Chapter 15: Lies

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"It trusted you," I coldly stated as I heard a figure walk into my tent.

"I'm sorry I don't understand," Randal calmly replied.

I turned around to see Randal sitting on my bed," How long have you known ?"

"I'm sorry I don't," I quickly interrupted Randal before he could continue his pathetic lie, "How long have you known that my father and brother were dead, do not play dumb with me."

After a few moments of silence Randal quickly stood up and began to walk closer to me.

"Stop right where you are Randal, and answer my question," I sternly replied.

"I found out after you were taken from the cave," Randal slowly replied. He slowly stepped back and sat back down on the bed.

"I'm sorry," I replied while sitting next to him.

"I would have told you if i knew," he whispered.

He wrapped his arm around me, and slowly began to rub my back.

"You know I never really thanked you for hiding me in the cave," I slowly leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I just wish it ended differently," he whispered back.

"How would you have ended it ? What was the ending you had in mind ?" I whispered back.

A smirk quickly shot across his face, "We were going to marry."

"What ?" I quickly shot up. Randal was always my brother'a friend, not a future husband.

Randal held my hand and motioned for me to sit back down.
"You and I would marry. We would disguise your appearance somehow by dying your hair or something. The story was that you were a girl that I met one day while traveling. No one would have known, and since I am not the first born no one would care that you weren't from a great house. The only thing that matters is that I love you. We could have started a family together. It would have been the happy ending that you deserve," Randal confessed.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of having children. However many I will have. Doesn't matter if there is only one or 10; as long as they are mine.

"Randal," I grabbed his hands and laced them in mine, "that would have been a beautiful ending, but it wouldn't have worked. When Ramsay found me I was disguised, and he still recognized me.....and we would constantly be hiding from guards. I would always be in constant fear that the guards would take me away."

"Guards....we were running from guards," I repeated again. I looked over at Randal's confused face. He didn't understand. We were running from guards who could have helped save my House. Instead of looking for me those guard could have been bringing food and medicine to my house.

"Charlie wouldn't be dead," I accident said out loud.

"What ?" Randal slowly asked.

My blood began to slowly boil.
"The disease my father and brother died from could have been prevented if more food or medicine was brought," I coldly replied.

I waited for Randal to attempt to come up with some sort of excuse, but he never spoke. I was right and he knew it.

"Blair," he sweetly spoke as he reached out towards my hand.


The second I said those words I immediately regretted them.

"If I didn't rescue you then you might not be here today," he coldly replied, "I saved your life."

Without even thinking, I replied, "You didn't save my life, you killed my father and brother." The words continued to fly out of my mouth.


"Oh you really did a great job of saving me from Ramsay Bolton. Look around you Randal,  What is that sigil above my bed ? What is the sigil on that shield ? And Randal please tell me what the sigil on my dress is ? Is that the sigil of your house ? NO. I am not marrying YOU. I am marrying Ramsay Bolton, and I will have his children," I screamed right back at him.

A look of disgust shot across Randal's face, "Why would you want children with HIM. He FLAYS people alive. He rapes and murders women. Seven hells Blair, he hunts people for fun. He is a murderer. He is a MONSTER."

"I do not know if Ramsay is a monster. For all I know the stories could just be lies, but do you want to know something ?" I quickly replied. I couldn't control what i was saying. I was lying to Randal, and I knew what Ramsay was capable of. He had already hurt and  threatened me, and I would be willing to bet he is capable of much worse.

"What ?" he barked back.

"Ramsay didn't kill my father and brother," I calmly replied.

"I DIDN'T EITHER !" Randal yelled back.

"Is everything okay in here," Ramsay said as he walked into the tent smirking.

"What are you doing here ?" Randal demanded.

"I sleep here. Blair and I are soon to be wed, so we are currently sharing a tent," Ramsay snickered back while wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Blair, please listen to me. You aren't thinking," Randal practically pleaded.

Ramsay's grip tightened around my waist, "Leave"

"I do not take orders from you, bastard" Randal spat.

Ramsay's grip tightened again.

"Randal, please leave," I blurted out.

Randal then quickly stormed out of the tent.

Ramsay let go of me, and went to the opposite side of the room.

I sat down on the bed in shock of what I said to Randal. Most of what I said was a lie, but I had to say it. He needed to stay away from me because I could only imagine what Ramsay would do to him if he found out what Randal said to me.

'I love you and that is all that matters'

Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream.


Thank you for reading ! I hope you enjoyed this chapter !

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