Chapter 1: And So It Begins

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"My lady," I heard a quiet voice behind me.

I turned to see a turquoise gown draped across my handmaiden Rose's arms.

"From Lord Bolton," she added while I touched the silky gown.

"It's beautiful," I replied as she helped me dress into it.

"So what do you know about Ramsay Snow," I inquired as I removed my nightgown.

"He goes by Ramsey Bolton now," she said while her blue eyes showed fear.
I must not make that mistake again, but the fact that his father accepted him as his heir seemed strange.

"Well he was a bastard son, but to be honest my lady that is all I know for a fact....... There are the foul rumors about his personal life, but I wouldn't worry about them. People most likely made up those lies because he was a bastard," Rose answered as she finished my hair.

"Why is he no longer a Snow ?" I blurted out.

"I don't know my lady," she coldly replied.


I sat next to my father in his tent as we waited for the Boltons to arrive.

I fidgeted with one of the long curls that draped bellow my beasts in attempt to calm my nerves .

Every once in a while the tent would shake from a bellowing wind, but besides from that it was silent.

"Why not my older sister ?" I asked him in attempt to break the silence.

"She was too old for him, and with our house being in the current situation that we are in, I did not fight them, " my father replied. I have never heard him sound this defeated before. After the storms destroyed half of our crops, we have been struggling to keep our people fed. Given my house's current conditions, there is no way that we will survive the coming winter.

I had fallen into a light sleep until my father greeted our guests.

I sprung up from my chair and greeted the Lord with a curtsy.

A younger man about my age soon followed the Lord inside the tent.

"May I introduce my son, Ramsey Bolton," Lord Bolton said with a hint of pride in his voice.
The pride seemed misplace like a fork being used for soup.

"My lady," the young man said as he reached for my hand.
I gave him my hand, and he laid a cold kiss upon it.I felt a shiver shoot up my spine as he looked up at me with the piercing blue eyes and crooked smile.

"Well now that you two have been acquainted, we must head to Winterfell," my father said after a few moments of silence.


I watched as she climbed my horse, and looked at me with her dark brown eyes.
Her porcelain skin looked as if it would break with a single punch.

Her muddy eyes watched every move I made. She seemed uneasy and startled by every move I made.

I mounted onto my horse and whispered into her ear, "There is no need to fear me my lady. I will make sure the big bad wolves up in Winterfell don't harm you."

She coldly replied, "Now who says I need protection from the wolves ?"

I couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape.

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-Bailey 🐉

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