Chapter 18:Dreadful Mornings

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The second I opened my eyes, I felt a sharp pain shoot through them. Why must the sun shine so bright ?

"Are you okay, Lady Blair ?" A nurturing tone asked me from across the room.

I quickly shot a glance at the figure across the room. I couldn't see his face, but the flayed man sigil that hung over the bed made the guessing easier.

I rolled over and covered myself with as many furs as there were on the bed. There was nothing that truly needed to get done, so there was no need to leave the bed.

I then heard a bit of laughter from a cross the room, "shut your mouth," I yelled.

"Now is that anyway to talk to your betrothed ? I bet you don't talk to Robb Stark like that ?" I looked over to Ramsay who was focusing on cutting his apple.


"I am sorry, what did you say ?" I coldly replied. How had he known ? Did he somehow find me last night ?

"Now the first thing you need to learn is that I don't repeat myself," he said while slowly walking over to the bed. I scooted to the far end of the bed in order to keep the most distance in between myself and him.  He grabbed me and quickly pulled me off of the bed, so him and I were standing next to each other.

"The second thing you should know is that I don't like sharing. You are mine, and mine alone. You are betrothed to me, but if you continue this...behavior...of yours I could marry someone else. You on the other hand, are in a completely different situation. You need my house,"  Ramsay paused and walked over towards the desk and hid something behind his back.

"Your behavior has been utterly repulsive. I feel as if you don't want to marry me," he then grabbed my arms and squeezed them until I let out a small scream. The second I screamed, the second he let go, and the second my arms began to deeply burn. I fell to the ground and began to deeply message the bruises that were now forming.

"Do you want to marry me, Blair ? If you don't want to get married, we could call of the marriage. I wouldn't mind, but I feel as if your dying house might ! But who cares about them, right Blair ?" He was mocking me.

"I want the marry you," I said just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Stand up and remove your gown," Ramsay commanded as he rolled up the sleeves to his shirt.

"No," I coldly replied as I lied up on the ground balled up in a corner. He wasn't my husband yet. He already broke the tradition of sleeping in the same bed as him, but this was idiotic. I am not a WHORE.

Ramsay let out a deep laugh and looked down at me, "Your actions must be punished....Now I hope your entire house isn't as dumb as you. Stand up and remove your gown. I won't ask you again. The longer you make me wait, the worse it will be for you," he spat back at me.

"Good morning," I turn to see Roose Bolton slowly enter the tent. I felt my heart skip a beat as the old figure stared at the two of us.

"Good morning Lord Bolton," I replied while quickly jumping to my feet.

Roose's eyes remained fixated on Ramsay.
"Lady Sherwin, may I speak with you ?" Roose extended his arm and I quickly accepted it.

For the first few moments he didn't say a word and neither did I. That is until we arrived at a tent that was slightly larger than Ramsay's and mine.

"I am to assume this is your tent, Lord Bolton," I quickly commented.

"Sit," he motioned towards a table with two chairs in the corner of his tent.

"Now Lord Bolton, I assume you wanted to discuss something," I sat down in one of the chairs.

I gazed at the Bolton sigils that scattered the walls. I felt my stomach churn the longer I stare at the flayed man.

I was thankful that Roose hadn't poured me any wine because my hands were trembling and I would have most likely dropped the cup.

Roose's stale voice quickly dragged me from my thoughts, "Do you know why I asked for Ramsay to marry you instead of your sister."

"I....I was told because she was too old if I remember correctly," I replied.

"I chose you because I have heard stories about you from your father.." I quickly interrupted him, "I have also heard stories about Ramsay."

I heard a sigh come from Roose as he leaned towards me.

"I see part of myself in you. You may not be a Bolton now, but you will be a better Bolton than my son will ever be," Roose pauses for a second and leans back in his chair. 

I remained still in my chair in attempt to hide my shock.

You will be a better Bolton than my son will ever be.
My mind raced the second Roose called me a Bolton, and a better one than Ramsay.

"If you are concerned with your son being a good lord, then why did you legitimize him ?" I quickly.

"I needed to find him a wife," Roose replied as if it was common knowledge.

"Why did you call me here ? Did you only bring me here so you could insult your firstborn son in front of his soon to be wife ?" I quickly questioned Roose.

I leaned forward and lowly said, "or did you come to warn me about Ramsay because I already knew, that is why I ran. That is why I lived in a hole for God knows how long. I have heard stories of your son Lord Bolton, and to be frank with you, I do NOT want to know if the rumors are true."

I stood up and started to leave the tent when I heard Roose's cold voice again, from across the tent.

"I called you over here in order to discuss or plan of action with Ramsay."

I stopped dead in my tracks.
Does he want to kill Ramsay ?

"You have my attention," I replied in attempt to match Roose's cold tone.

He motioned for me to sit down at the table, and I quickly sat back down.

"Someday Ramsay will be Lord of the Dreadfort, and I do not wish to see him play his games with the Bolton name. I need you to get into Ramsay's mind, possibly manipulate him," Roose coldly stated.

"How ?" I quickly interrupted him.

He let a quick sigh escape him. He seemed to be growing frustrated with my constant questions and interruptions.
"You are a woman, you will know what to do. Tomorrow Ramsay will be leaving back to the Dreadfort which means you have until dusk tonight to make your choice. Now leave," Lord Bolton replied.

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