Chapter 12: Ramsay

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I awoke the next morning in my small tent. Faint memories of the late night adventure I had with Robb still stuck in my mind.

"Well someone is in a good mood. this morning," I looked up to see a girl about my age standing outside the tent.

"It is a nice and sunny morning, why wouldn't I be in a good mood ?" I replied while fixing my hair in the mirror.

"What's he like ?" the girl asked again.

"A dream..." I replied with a smile escaping.

"Oh, also this came for you," she said as she handed me an envelope.

"Do you know who it is from ?" I asked while checking the letter for a sigil.

"No, but it seemed important," she seriously replied.

"Strange...have you seen Taniya this morning ?" I replied.

"No," the girl yelled while leaving.

My hand was shaking as I held the small letter. I took a deep breath and opened it.

"The gray tent, west side the camp. Sword stabbed into the ground outside of it,"

I could recognize the handwriting anywhere, it was my brother's which meant I was going home.

--------- Later that evening ------

I began to wander around the camp looking for my brother's tent. It took me some time, and of course I had to wander through the Lanister and Baratheon camps, but I eventually found the sword outside the tent.

I adjusted my costume that I wore the night before. It was a tad uncomfortable, but I needed to wear it because there was going to be a performance again tonight.

I reread the crumpled note that my brother had sent to me,

"The gray tent, west side the camp. Sword stabbed into the ground outside of it," I mumbled as I crumpled up the paper once again.

I glided my hand across the tent and slowly raised opened the flap.

I took a few steps into the tent and immediately heard the tent slam shut.

"Im glad you could make it," His voice sent chills down my spine.

"Thank you for having me my'lord," I replied while my body stayed frozen. I shouldn't have come alone.

I felt his arms lace themselves around my hips.

I freed myself from his grasp and asked, "Why did you give me this note my'lord."

He ignored my question and walked over towards the corner of the tent. He pulled out two cups and slowly filled them with wine.

He once again smirked at me as he walked towards me.

"Wine ?" He swirled the cup in from of me. I stood still. FROZEN

"No thank you...mi'lord," I responded after a few moments of silence.

His faced frowned, but quickly flashed into his creepy smile,"I insist"

I gently grabbed the wine and pretended to drink it.

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