Chapter 9: Mother Mother

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"I come bearing dinner !" Randal mentioned in excitement as he walked into my little cave. It was the first time in what felt like forever since I've seen his smile flash across his face. He was trying to cheer me up but it wasn't working. This plan wasn't working. He will find us.

"That is good news!" I quickly replied while brushing the dirt off of my clothes. He seemed to be in rather good spirits today. It was extreamly off, but it beat the regular agitated Randal he had become.

"Oh please don't mock me with your fake excitement. Are these conditions not suitable for you Lady Blair? Be excited Blair it's good," Blair could heat the salt in his voice as she sat down next to him. Maybe she would have been better marrying Ramsay. that's not true.

"Excited ? About the squirrel that you had brought for my dinner? Or are you referring to the psychopath that has been searching for me for the past couple of months ?" I grabbed my nearby dinner plate and sat on the floor.

Randal completely ignored what I had said and changed the topic, "I heard a story during my training earlier this morning and I think you would like to hear it."

"And why is that ?" Most of the time his stories were about how he beat this person or was able to sword fight in this style. It usually felt as if he was trying to impress me, but I just ignored him. Every once and a while he would bring something up about what was actually happening outside of this cave, but he would immediately change the topic which was frustrating. Frustrating doesn't begin to describe it. If I even tried to ask a question about what was happening outside of my cave he would ignore me or dance around the question.

"Well they went hunting in the woods today and saw something...unique is a good way to put it."

My ears immediately pirked up. "What do you mean unique ?"

"They say it was something they had never seen before," He seemed to be tip toeing around something, and he had me hanging on every single one of his words.

"Did they see a Direwolf ? Or something weirder ?" I watch every muscle in his face to see if I had guessed it correctly.

"No....they saw someone shoot a large bird from an 'impossible' distance," he replied.

I snorted at the thought of his friends thinking that it was an impossible distance. I was hiding in a tree that I had climbed.

"You have barely touched your dinner." He added while walking towards the opposite side of the cave.

"Have you been practicing ?" He grabbed my bow that he had given me and began to inspect it.
My heart began to race. He then grabbed my arrows and let a smile shoot across his face.

"You have !"

I ran over towards him and grabbed it from him.

"RAAAAAANDAL !" Both of us quickly turned around at the sound of someone screaming his name. Panic rush through our vains as we heard the voice again. Had we been found?

"I have to leave," he quickly gave me a hug and threw the bow down.

"Hey Bronk...look as what I found"
I jumped at the sound of the stranger's voice that had just woken me up. The two men were in the cave blocking the exit. The first thing I noticed about them was the Bolton sigil painted on their clothes.

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