Chapter 19: Do it

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No matter how much I tied to distract myself from thinking about my conversation with Lord Bolton, I couldn't. The days was almost over, but it felt like I had just talked to Lord Bolton.

I had began to wander around the camp in order to find Randal, but he was nowhere to be found.

I decided to check the archery training areas, and as soon as I arrived I wish I didn't.

The second I heard his voice, I pivoted and attempted to run away.

"Oh, Blair ! I'm glad to see you came to watch your betrothed this morning. Blair, why are you leaving ? Come and watch," Ramsay bellowed.

I quickly turned around and flashed him a quick fake smile. I couldn't help but stare at the bow in his hand. I didn't rust him with it.

I stood next to some people who I was assuming Ramsay was close with. They never said a word to me, but I did hear them whisper things I dare not repeat.

I continued to watch Ramsay as he shot his arrows. I'd have to admit he was actually a good shot. I guess he has had some practice.

"Didn't know you were a fan of archery, Lady Blair," I turned to see Lord Bolton standing behind me.

"Have you thought about what we discussed earlier this morning ?"  Lord Bolton quickly added.

"I have," I coldly replied.
I wanted to run.
I wanted to go home.
I wanted to see my father and brothers.
I wanted to see my sister.
I wanted my house to flourish.
I wanted to wake up every morning next to a man I loved.

I wanted my house to be happy.

"Then what is your answer ?" Lord Bolton asked.

"Will you keep up your end of the bargain ? Will you save my house and protect all people inside of it ?" I quickly asked.

"As long as you keep up yours, Lady Blair," Lord Bolton replied.

"Father, Lady Blair," I turned to see Ramsay standing next to me.

"You are an amazing shot, Ramsay !" I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss.

Hopefully that answered Roose's questions

"Have you had your dinner yet, Blair" Ramsay asked as we linked our arms.

"No, I don't believe I have" I quickly replied.

Do it for your house Blair.
Do it for your Father.
Do it for your brothers.
Do it for the sick and the starving .
Do it for your house.

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