Chapter 16: War

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My heart felt as if it would explode out of my chest as i pinned a few of my stays hairs out of my face.
No matter how much I tried to calm myself, I couldn't.

"So you are going to represent House Sherwin at the meeting tonight ?"  I jumped at the sound of Ramsay's husky voice.

"Yes I will be. Will I be seeing you there ?," I quickly asked.

"I will be there with my father. Would you like me to represent House Sherwin ?" By now Ramsay was sitting next to me.

"No," I coldly replied. This was MY House, not his. He has never been to my home, he has never met the people of my house, and he has and never will rule for House Sherwin.

He quickly grabbed at my hand and I almost screamed in pain as he squeezed it harder, "Blair, I appreciate your bravery, but you are a Lady."

Before he could finish was he was saying, I slapped him across his face and left the tent. I knew that I would regret slapping him later, but he will never represent my house. NEVER


"Good evening Lady Blair," Robb said from behind me.

"Good evening," I curtsied and locked my arm with his.

"Don't take this the wrong way Blair, but you look like you could conquer all of Westeros," Robb whispered for only me to hear.

I replied with a small chuckle. He wasn't wrong. I wasn't wearing one of my usual dresses, instead I was wearing black pants and a matching jacket with my family crest on it. With my clothes I was wearing mixed with the my hair being completely pinned up, I did feel like I could conquer the world.

"The same could be said about you," I whispered back.

"Well thats the point isn't it; we're trying to take the iron throne away from the Lannisters," He became tense and stopped dead in his tracks as he mentioned the throne. I looked into his eyes, ones of a scared wolf pup that had wandered too far from home. After a couple of seconds he looked at me for confirmation.

"Yes...I guess that is what we are trying to do," I whispered back.

"You don't seem very confident in your answer," he quickly replied.

I let a quick sigh escape me, "neither did you Robb.."

I don't blame him for being scared. Hell I would be terrified. They had his sister's and his father.

"You are the eldest son of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell and his wife, Lady Catelyn. You are the brother of Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon. You have a half-brother Jon Snow who is currently serving at the wall. You have somehow managed to train a direwolf to follow your every command. You have never lost a battle, Young Wolf. You can do this," I quickly gave him a peck on his cheek and walked into the war tent.

When I was a child my father would tell me about war meetings. He made them sound like the most groundbreaking exciting moment of the war.

I sat in my chair, fighting every never in my body from falling asleep. Lord Karstark and Lord Bolton had been fighting...sorry not fighting that was the wrong word...having an intense discussion on how to approach our upcoming battle.

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