Chapter 10: Taniya

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"You have a choice," I looked up to the old lady who was patting my leg.

"Excuse me ?" I asked still trying to gain my surroundings.
I was in a small red tent. My eyes shot around the room searching for a sigil. I sat up and gazed into the old woman's eyes. Despite her age she seemed fit which terrified me.

"I know who you are," she repeated.
I remained silent. My heart felt like it was about to explode out of my chest.
How could she had known ?
My hair ?
My face ?

"Lady Blair," she repeated.
My muscles tensed up.

"My name is Taniya and I know how to get you home," she replied.

"How ?" I questioned. I practically jumped out of bed. The thought of seeing my father and brother again brought tears to my eyes.



"What is your name," Taniya who sat across from me asked. We had been sitting for what felt like hours rehearsing the same fake story over and over again. I would sit here for hundred of hours if I could avoid the Bolton bastard.

I took a deep breath, "Maralynn" I made sure to keep eye contact with her. I ensured that I had the same 'sweet smile' that she had taught her only an hour ago.

"Where are you from ?" she asked.

"Borrowton," I quickly replied.

"What of your family ?" she questioned.

I took a second deep bread "My father was a stone mason and my mother ran the house. They.....they passed away not too long ago," I coldly replied forcing a fake tear to face down my face. Crying wasn't hard. All it took was to think of home.

"Try again...I didn't believe you,"

"My father....he was a stonemason....I really didn't get to see him much growing up....but I love him none the less," I dug my nails into the wooden chair I was sitting on in order to cause more tears to flow down my face, "and my mom...she would always be running around fixing something or taking care of one of my younger brothers...they always managed to get themselves into trouble..." I looked Taniya dead in the eyes and waited for her to ask the next question.

"What happened to them ?" she asked.

"My father is dead, and you and I both know what happens when there is no one left to protect your family," I coldly replied.

After a few moments of silence Taniya smiled and said, "The plan is simple, like you said your name is Maralynn. You are my granddaughter. Your mother left us because she married. When your father died about 6 years ago she sent you to me in order to train and earn money, but sadly due to an injury you are not able to perform your act at the moment"

"What is the act ?" I quickly interrupted her.

"I used to dance with fire, so you will pretend to do the same," she replied.

I slowly nodded my head.

"As I was saying Robbert Baratheon will be coming to Winterfell. There will be a big dinner with lavish entertainment. We will be supplying a band and acrobats. Since you cannot perform you will be by my side no matter what," Taniya explained.

"Why are you helping me ?" I questioned. I know that I am a highborn, but I was a bride to be. I was to be Ramsay's bride, and hiding me was punishable by being flayed to death.

She reached out and grabbed my shaking hands, "I knew your father growing up. Him and I were very close.....I will have someone bring you one of my old costumes."

"Wait we are in Winterfell ? " I quickly called out as she left my tent.
She pulled the tent door open further to show me Winterfell's great walls.

"Honey, you were out for about two weeks. We all thought you were dead," she gloomily replied.

"So you are a fire dancer as well," the young girl asked.

I let a small smile escape, "Yes, my mother and her mother before me have all done it."

"Will you be performing tonight ? I would love to see you dance !" the young girl screamed.

"No I had recently injured my foot, but once it heals you are more than welcome to come and watch me practice sometime !" I replied. Each lie rolling off my tongue easier than the one before.

The little girl gave me a quick hug and skipped off to get ready.

I gazed upon the small dress that the girl had placed upon my bed. The top of the costume was made of a shinny golden fabric. The bottom skirt was made of a golden lace. It was beautiful. Next to the golden costume was a material that was about the same color as my flesh. I quickly put on that layer first, and it covered me from my toes all the way to my fingertips. I then quickly put on the Lannister golden dress.

I quickly braided my hair and pinned it around the crown of my head.

"May I ?" Taniya asked while holding a beautiful golden mask. She practically startled me.

"This will help hide who you are," she smiled as she placed it on my face.

"Thank you," I replied.

"Now remember never leave my side, I will make sure you get home safely," she said while holding my hands


Thank you for reading !!

I also plan on updating this story more frequently.

I also attached a picture of the outfit she is wearing


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