Chapter 25: The Return to the Dreadfort

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The most noticeable thing about the Dreadfort was the cold. The tiled floor was cold, the bare stone walls were cold, the furs that were cold, but most notably the people were cold.

Blair wrapped herself in many furs as she perched herself on a chair by the fireplace. She counted herself lucky when she had arrived and was told that Ramsay was busy hunting. She was glad she could sit in her cold room and think on how she was going to get herself out of this mess as she regretted coming to the Dreadfort more and more every second longer she was in this cold castle.

How could she be so foolish?
How could she be so naive?
How could she be so stupid?

Maybe there was a way that her house cold have survived if she married Rob, for heavens sake he was King in the North, but his house was also fighting a war and in war one of the best tools is marriages.

She was quickly pulled from her thoughts when the door behind her had cracked open.

"Lady Blair, I am glad you arrived safely," said the voice of her betrothed as he walked into his room. He was glad to see the maids were competent on having her wait in his room for her to return.

"Thank you," Blair replied still looking into the flames.

"Blair, did your father not tech you manners?" He asked. Blair's brow furrowed as she turned her head away from the fire to look at her betrothed. Blood was the first thing she saw covering his clothes.

"Apologies Ramsay, I am rather tired and cold from my travels," Blair  stood up and walks over to him.

She watched him as she walked over towards him. She watched as a smirk slowly began to form on his mouth. She quickly curtsied to him, and smiled, "Welcome home Ramsay."

"Ramsay what?" He snapped back.

"Ramsay Bolton heir to the Dreadfort," she said while once again curtsying. Hopefully that was enough for his ego. The grin that formed on his face grew again.

Blair began to walk back and to her chair, but Ramsay pulled her back. She looked up at him, his icy cold eyes reminding her of an animal ready to eat it's pray.

"How was your hunt? Do you catch anything exotic?" She asked smiling at the former bastard. Hoping that talking about Ramsay's favorite hobby would distract the bastard.

She saw a grin quickly flash across his face. "Of course, but the meat was only good for my hounds," he causally replied.

"Hounds? I remember my aunt had a small dogs once. We would always take it out for walks and play with them," Blair replied while trying to pull herself loose from his grasp which only made him hold tighter.

"Why did you have me wait in your chambers?" Blair quickly snapped back.

"Isn't that what a good Lady would do?" He quickly replied with his eyes on her. She felt the need to cover herself as he stared at her. There was something in his eyes.

"Yes; however, I am not your lady yet," Blair quickly replied wrapping herself in a nearby fur.

Ramsay viciously grabbed the fur that was draped around her shoulders, but Blair quickly pulled it back in attempt to keep herself hidden from his eyes. She immediately discovered her foolish mistake as he overpowered her and threw the fur against the wall.

"Take off your clothes," Ramsay growled at Blair who froze, he had no right. She wasn't a common whore.

"Blair, don't make me ask a second time," Ramsay growled again.

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