Chapter Twelve

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Sorry for missing a few days of posting. Here is the next chappie and to make up for it I will post the next one as well. 


A big thanks to my sister for being all in and commenting. You all may want to dig into her comments as well cause she is a hoot and she says things that make you go HMMMM... She would love to hear from you so comment on her comment. Let's get it!


Thirty minutes later, I was still reeling from the discussion with James. Though it was far from an argument or an actual blow up, I still feel bad for the way I spoke to him. After all that he has done to help me through different obstacles as of late, I managed to snap on him. The fact remains that I have no idea what lies behind the mask of James but the curiosity is gaining on my common instinct.

It was a no brainer that James was as fine as they came. That package alone would normally accompany a spouse or significant other, if not several others. There was no way I wanted to be one of the few that was chosen to release some tension. Besides the few times that he initiated some action, there was no indication that he wanted something more with me. Then there was the look he gave me that faithful night he arrived to deliver the heartbreaking news about Darnell.

When I confirmed that Darnell was indeed my boyfriend, he almost flinched or some other type of emotion flashed across his face. That look alone still plagued me sometime when I flash back on that night. What was going through his mind in that moment? It was evident that he knew that Darnell was living foul but what all did he know. Never would I claim to be a mastermind by any margin of the scale but something else was happening around me.

The sudden knock at my door scared the shit out of me because I wasn't expecting company. Lately, it didn't seem to matter whether I was looking for company or not. Whether I am at work or out and about, someone seems to invade my private moments. Welcomed guests are just that but these random nuisances were starting to become annoying as hell.

Looking through the peephole, told me all I needed to know. This was one of those times where the guest was not welcomed in the least bit. Actually, I was a bit fearful to open the door if I were honest with myself. Sadly, he didn't let up on the knocking and soon my neighbors will be cautious as well. Grabbing my stun gun, I took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Gabriella, I was just about to give up on you opening the door."

"Ray, what do I owe the pleasure?" Though I didn't see this as being anything near pleasurable, I was curious as to why he was on my doorstep.

"You are looking as good as ever. Still pretty as fuck," he complimented.

"Thank you, now what can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for my cousin."

"You and me both," I commented.

"You two were just together, don't play with me girl."

"We were together last week and she ditched me at the club." The laugh I released was a far cry from a humorous one.

"Ditched you at the club, Tonya wouldn't do that."

"Maybe she wouldn't have done that to you but she damn sure did it to me."

"Why don't we sit down and go over the details, maybe there is a good explanation for her to leave. I can't believe that she would do that. We had plans for later that night and she never showed."

"Oh, I was unaware that she had plans with you. She never told me."

"Girl, why you acting like we are strangers? Let me in so we can talk in private." He motioned for me to let him inside and went so far as to take a step closer as if to nudge his way through the door.

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