Chapter Five

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Sorry it's been a minute since I updated this bad boy. I was working on Crown Royal on Ice II. That story has taken on life and wants to be finished. Too many stories so little time... Either way READ-COMMENT-VOTE-PASS THE WORD


After a long day at work, the last thing I wanted to do was think about the pending threats against me. The remainder of the day was rather quiet aside from the regular phone calls coming in for the offices above. With the determination to not dwell on the troubles in my life, I let my mind focus on nothingness. Repetition makes work easy when a person is absent in mind and only present in body.

"Have a good evening Gabriella." One of the associates in the building said on their way out.

"You too," I hadn't realized it was time to clock out until he spoke. Answering the last call for the day, I realized that I was indeed ready to go.

Thanks to James, I had a way to and from work. The next morning after the incident, a rental car was delivered to the house. Sadly, I had no clue when my car would be fixed or if it could be fixed for that matter. At my very best, I was determined to bother James as less as possible.

"Hey girl, where have you been hiding?" I was startled from my thoughts by a girlfriend that I associated with from time to time.

"Hey Tonya, what's going on?"

"Nothing much, it's been a while since I have seen or talked to you."

"I just spoke to you last week."

"That was a fly-by conversation. I didn't see your car outside, I almost didn't think you were here."

"Yeah, it is messing up on me. It's in the shop." I didn't feel comfortable telling anyone else about the woes of my world. James is the only one to get the rundown on my personal life. Even that was by force from him, Tonya was not getting any of that.

"Oh really, well you know my cousin has his own shop if you want me to put in a good word. You remember my cousin Ray right, I think you met him before."

"Yeah, I do believe so, it was towed to another shop by another friend of mine." I said with a wave of the hand. I did not want to open the door for her to ask more questions and pry further. "What brings you by my neck of the woods?"

"Oh yes, girl I almost forgot why I came through. Speaking of cars acting up, I dropped mine off with Ray not too long ago and since it wasn't far from here I thought I could catch up with you. Maybe we can grab some happy hour dinner and drinks," she said hopeful. "I didn't know your car was on the fritz too, we might have to catch an Uber."

"I have a rental, it's cool. Let me shutdown for the day and grab my stuff."

"Cool," she said as she occupied herself with the phone.

Tonya was a cool chick I met when we both worked for a fast food restaurant. There was not a lot we had in common but the comradery was cool. On occasion, we would hang out or when the need for company arose I would hook up with her. The entire time that I was with Darnell, Tonya would constantly tell me that he was no good. Now looking back, I should have listened to her. Still to this day, I have not divulged the full details to the rocky ending of my relationship with that bastard.

"Girl, this is nice. You make me want to get a new car."

"Girl, I wish this was my car. I am satisfied with my 'Betsy' because it's paid for. No need in adding extra bills when I have enough to pay as of right now."

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