Chapter Three

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I think you all should get a look see at who I see as James. Hold on to your panties cause who I see is mmm-mmm good.


"What has been going on that you feel you can't share with me?" James asked.

"It's not that I feel I can't share them, I just don't know what to make of them."

"Then tell me what is going on," he asked.

"Besides the feeling that someone is watching my every move, I receive some obscene phone calls at odd hours. I have gotten inboxes on my social media accounts from people threatening to do me harm. This is the first time that anyone has ever done anything as hands on as this though."

"Why didn't you call the police?"

"And tell them what? Someone was harassing me but they haven't actually done anything yet. We both know how this story plays out. The police claim there is nothing that they can do unless someone physically harms me." I said with a dry chuckle. "Where would that leave me, huh? Roasted or boiled like the rabbit in Fatal Attraction," internally cringing at the thought as it leaves my lips.

"Sadly, you are right on both counts. The system isn't designed to assist in unseen threats as it is to protect whoever is in physical immediate danger." James confirmed what I already knew. "Again, I must ask, do you know why anyone would want to harm you in anyway?"

"The only person I can think of is the ghetto rat that was at the hospital when Darnell was shot." I finally admit aloud. "That I know of, I haven't made any enemies. I keep to myself."

"Could they be enemies of Darnell's?"

"That is a possibility," filled with sadness, I admitted the scary truth.

"Do you have any idea what type of things Darnell was involved in, illegal activity?"

"Are you asking as a cop on duty or as a friend trying to help?"

"As a concerned friend that wants to help you not only figure this out but keep you safe as well," he answered.

"Darnell was caught up in the drug game. What originally started out as a way to make quick money to pursue other ventures turned into a steady hustle. He never brought any of the work home, just the money." Finally, being able to tell someone about Darnell's criminal activities felt good but the thought that I was now in danger because of his ties, did not sit well with me.

"I didn't agree with his schemes and I never participated directly. But, I turned a blind-eye to what he was doing as I didn't want to leave him."

"Why not? It was evident that he wasn't faithful to you. Why would a man leave his woman home alone so much if the feelings were mutual?"

"Who said I was home alone a lot?"

"A man living as foul as he apparently lived, there is no doubt that he left you for long periods of time. And from what I gather from you, there is nothing promiscuous about you. So, there was no one else here while he was away."

"..." He was right on all counts. There was no extra company. Darnell did leave too much for my liking. Now looking back, I was so dumb to believe that he was faithful. Fast money brings along fast women and there is no telling how many women he actually had on the side.

"I don't mean to upset you Gabriella, I am just trying to get an understanding of what we are dealing with here."

"WE, this is not French class, so how did this become a 'we' situation?"

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