Chapter Ten

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Violence anyone???? As some of you may know, my violent streak when issuing revenge can get crucial so just know this is only the beginning. Stay tuned.

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Leaving Gabriella was becoming harder and harder each time he walked away from her wanting. James was conflicted with his feelings. The emotions that come so easy to most people were hidden deep in his soul. One too many times, hurt and devastation was dealt to him in the past. The end results for the dealers were never favorable but it was a necessary means to an evil end.

"How is she?"

"Better," James replied.

"You are fighting this attraction hard."

"I don't want to hurt her."

"No, you don't want her to hurt you."


"There are too many factors to figure into the equation, it may not be favorable. My money is on Sophia. She will be the final judge and jury, making you the possible executioner."

"Let's handle the garbage, I'm done talking about my dilemmas."

"If you continue to think of her as a dilemma, you should have killed her when you had the chance."

"That is callous even for you to say."

"All jokes aside, this isn't going to end well until all parties are in on the festivities."

"..." James didn't bother to respond to his brother. Though he may joke around a lot and prefers to keep things light, Phillip was wise beyond his years.

The two brothers walked into the dungeon like room where the captured were being detained. From the look on the bitch's face, she was confused as to why she was there and who the men were before them. What once seemed like a fool proof plan now resembled idiocy. Their hands were cuffed to a hook that hung from the ceiling while their feet were shackled to the floor.

"Tonya, it is nice to formally meet you." Phillip greeted with a sickly-sweet smile. From the look on her face she wasn't prepared to respond to such a greeting.

"Wh-where am I?" She asked when the tape was removed from her mouth.

"That isn't important, really. What we want to know is why did you drug Gabriella?"

"Gabriella...I-I didn't drug her. When was she drugged?"

"Please don't play coy Tonya, we know who you are behind the façade of being a friend. You don't think that we just stumbled on you two pathetic excuses for kidnappers, do you?"

"Gabriella is my friend, why would I do anything to harm her?" She exclaimed wildly looking around trying to see where the giant man went. In an instance, she was screaming bloody murder as the swift slice of a sharp blade marked an X across her back. Calmly James walked back around to stand next to Phillip gripping a seventeen inch machete.

"Why indeed would you betray Gabriella as you have for so long? You were secretly sleeping with her boyfriend and now this. Why would you set her up?"

"You don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh no, do tell."

"I won't tell you shit."

"Suit yourself," Phillip smirked.

"No-no, please..." Her rambling was cut off as James slit several more places across the front of her body. The man next to her was starting to wither as well from the screams. Because his eyes were still covered, he was unaware just how brutal the situation was becoming.

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