Chapter Twenty-Three

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It's about to get rough around here yall. Okay, I tapped into a bit of the psycho in me for this one. Hopefully it isn't too gory.

Until next time....



Chapter Twenty-Three

Ray decided to ride by Gabriella's once again for the hundredth time in the last couple of days. The place even looked abandoned. Why didn't he just force her to leave with him the last time he confronted her? She seemed so skittish and reserved that he almost crippled with the need to protect her. Even though he was the cause for some of the discomfort, he then wanted to be the savior as well.

That was the point of it all, make her look to him for security and safety. After all, he saw her first. Before Darnell got his clutches into her, Ray was stacking his resume and preparing his approach. 'Study long—study wrong,' was accurate in his case because he lost his chance big time. The bitterness he felt for Darnell getting the chance to lay with her at night bothered him but he hid it well. At least he thought he did until one-night Darnell confronted him about his carefully concealed infatuation with Gabriella.

Ray was far from a fool, he knew as soon as the words left his mouth that his cousin sold him out. Probably during one of their pillow talk nights but that was cool with him. At least now the fuck knew someone was willing to take his place if she caught wind of his fuck up. That was the night the dumb ass told him of his reasons for keeping Gabriella close. His deal with Russo was too sweet to pass up and Ray had to agree with his reasoning.

Where he lost him was offering to share Gabriella as if she were some common whore. Darnell went as far as to describe how tight and right she felt, the noises she makes but she was boring to him. Ray would gladly take boring and ignite the flame properly than to settle for a loose goose as Darnell preferred. Darnell actually confessed that he didn't have the time or patience to teach her how to please him. Ray wouldn't admit it to him but he was very tempted to take him up on that offer but in the end, he wanted her all to himself. He didn't want to share, he wanted it all.

In the long run, that sentiment pertained to the business aspect as well. He no longer wanted to share the territory with Darnell. When word got out that he was surely snitching and helping the feds build cases, Ray knew it was time to take him out. Only someone lone bullet from miles away beat his goons to it. They were hesitant to admit it but he knew they weren't responsible for the blow.

When Gabriella pulled the plug on his ass, I just knew she was wifey and ride or die material. She needed a boss and Ray figured he was the boss she needed. Darnell didn't know what to do with a woman like that. Instead he preferred hoes like Taj and Tonya, both were worthless pieces of ass. Though Tonya was Ray's cousin, she was a selfish bitch with fucked up motives. Nothing she ever did was out of loyalty or honor, it was always greed. If it was something in it for her, then she would jump on board.

Arriving at his house, he saw Taj's car sitting in his driveway. Ray was beyond livid because he expressed a thousand times that he didn't want her shit car in his yard. She was to park down the street and she was never to come uninvited. Not only was she bad at following direction, upon further investigation she was missing from the driver seat. That could only mean one thing, the last time he made her run errands for him she must have made a spare key.

"Dumb bitch!" He exclaimed climbing from his car. Tonight would be the night that he unleashed some pent up stress on her ass.

When he walked in, he could hear noise coming from his bedroom. The entire house was quiet aside from what he could make out was moans and groans. Ray was seeing all shades of red at that moment. He was in utter disbelief that this bitch was fucking someone else in his house—in his fucking bed. Taj obviously had a death wish a mile long and whoever she was banging would be next.

Kicking the door to his bedroom open, he was met with an unfriendly sight. On his bed rested three bitches involved in some heavy shit that made his stomach turn instantly. The major shocker was the fear on their faces as they continued as if he weren't standing right there.

"What the fuck are you crazy bitches doing?" He questioned aiming his gun directly at them. They frantically kept rubbing their bodies against one another. In that moment, he realized that the moans and groans were coming from the television. In actuality, that noise was drowning out what was really happening in that room.

"PLEASE. HELP US!" Taj all but screamed but she kept thrusting. Upon further review, Ray saw she that she was wearing some sort of strap-on with a color around her neck. The damn thing had spikes and shit, blood was running down her naked chest. The one below her was screaming behind a balled gag that was placed into her mouth. She too was wearing a choker style color. The view would have been erotic as hell if it weren't so damn gruesome.

"STOP!" Ray shouted still aiming his gun. He didn't understand why she was still moving if she was hurting.

"I CAN'T!" She shouted. "He said if I stop moving then this thing will ultimately dig into my throat. It hurts..." She sobbed and slowed down. Then she screamed for some other strange reason and clawed at the spiked collar. When she saw it was useless she started to pump harder. Her sister was beneath her taking ever pump with wide eyes and bloody tears.

Looking over at the other body, Ray saw TeTe's lifeless eyes staring into space. She wore a similar gag and collar as Nette. Blood was everywhere on the bed especially gathered between her legs. It appeared that her insides were ripped out from her disease infested center. Both of their hands were bound to the bed, Taj was the only one free to move around so to speak.

"I'm so sorry..." She cried as she kept going. Her sister was slowly losing consciousness and Ray was finding it hard to watch. Though his gun was firm in his hand, he couldn't force himself to shoot anyone. After all who was he supposed to shoot? Who did this to them? Furthermore, how did this happen to them? The whole scene was so fucked up and he knew he would be to blame. There was no way out of taking the fall for this, no amount of paid police officers would get him out this mess. Someone was beyond genius at setting him up, this he was sure.

"No, No, NO... I'm moving! I'm moving!" She screamed over and over. Ray searched the entire room as if he were looking for someone to jump out of the corners or the closet. No one was there, who was she screaming at, he questioned.

Before his eyes he watched as she stilled, stumbling from the bed he got a glimpse at what she was wearing. Falling into the wall, Taj slid to the flow struggling to breathe as blood practically poured down her chest and shoulders. Strapped to her waist was huge black dildo covered in straight razor blades. Blood dripped off the tip of the blades almost in slow motion. No longer being able to take the scene, he lost the contents of his stomach. Then he heard it, his voice. Confusion bloomed as he knew the sound did not come from his body but from the television.

Glancing at the screen he saw multiple shots of him on the screen screwing the women in this very room. The room that he was fucking them in was not this one though. It was the room that he used at his body shop. Legs spread, sweat and cum dripping everywhere—he was mortified at the images on the screen. Someone had video of all the activities that take place at his shop and his warehouse behind it. That is the place where he commits the most heinous acts known to man but nothing compared to this shit.

Whoever was responsible for the mess at his home was beyond insane. His crew has gang raped, beaten, killed, and more in the warehouse but nothing like this. This was horrific even for the likes of Taj. She was a crooked hoe but did she deserve this treatment? Hell, did he deserve to take the fall for this mess? Without another thought, he hightailed it from the horror movie scene and to his car. He knew then and there he needed to get far away from that crime scene as quick as he could.

Anger overshadowed his common sense as he rushed to his workshop to find the hidden cameras he didn't know existed in his business. This was a gross invasion of his privacy. Russo could be the culprit but Ray couldn't figure out what the motive would be. Someone was after him and his entire crew, the questioned remained a mystery. Who was this sick fuck?

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