Chapter Thirteen

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After the awkward talk with Ray, I was a bit on edge. Even though he talked a convincing game of wanting to protect me from anyone that was bothering me, what if he were behind the attacks? Tonya comes unexpectedly wanting to hang out after months of silence, hoes damn near jump out the bushes to attack me, and now Ray randomly shows up on my doorstep. The comment that he made stating that he knows where I am always, was truly unnerving.

The thought to call who I consider as my safety net but after the way that I spoke to him, I was afraid to attempt the possible rejection. What if the words that I spoke to him were harsh enough for him to wash his hands of me? These damn hormones that women are forced to deal with causes me to be unbalanced. Despite being shook from the recent events, I was horny as hell. What a combination? On one hand, I see James as a stranger but on the other hand, he is a sexy mystery that I wouldn't mind solving.

Just call me Sherlock Hopeless because if given the opportunity, I would surely climb his tall ass like a monkey climbing a tree. Hanging, spinning, and clinging to all his limbs until I was too weak to move forward. Attempting to get to know more about him is quite tempting but what if that isn't an option, then what? True enough, if a proposition was put on the table I am not sure I would be able to resist temptation. Damning the consequences straight to hell, would a moment of pleasure be enough to risk losing myself?

"Mmm—James," I moaned in my state of sleep. That man is always on my mind, how can I think clearly on what to do about him when my mind constantly strayed to naughty things. Since he enjoyed feasting from my honey pot, I laid back and let him get his fill. Snapping my eyes open wide at the incredibly real feeling of the building orgasm, I then realize it wasn't a dream at all.

Scrambling to free myself from my assailant, the sensations only intensified. A scream tore from my throat but I couldn't fight through the fog to figure out what it was meant for. Was I fighting them off or was I pulling them in further? Fighting through the fog that my brain was in, I saw the imposing figure that I can't seem to stop dreaming about. Standing at the foot of the bed was the man that plagued my thoughts day and night.

The intense look he was giving me should have scared me away but I didn't look nor cower away. There was an internal battle going on inside of his head, I was pretty sure of it. While I held my breath for his next move, the question as to how he gained entrance into my house flew around my mind. Was he there to hurt me? That thought vanished as I watched him watch me. James didn't intend to do me harm, not with our DNA co-mingling the it was at this moment.

As if he were moving in slow motion, James removed the gun from his back holster. A moment of fear appeared before he held his hand out to me with the gun facing away. Blowing out a harsh spurt of air, I timidly reached for the firearm. Rolling slightly, I placed it on the nightstand turning back just in time to see him lose his shirt. Itching to run my fingers over his sculptured pack of bricks, I balled my hands into fists instead. Getting my hopes up that anything other than what has happened in the past was not an option.

"Are you sure you want this?" James asked in a husky voice that was filled with restraint. Though I know I probably should tell him where to take his sexy ass, my mouth and mind wouldn't agree on something so foolish. 'Damn hormones...' I thought to myself.

"..." Instead of answering, I lifted into a sitting position to remove the nightshirt that barely shielded me from his view. Waiting for him to make the next move, he unbuckled his belt and unfastened his jeans. The staring match we were having was starting to make me nervous but there was no way that I would be the first to blink.

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