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Author's Note:

Hello everyone!

I wanted to say sorry about Chapter 28, it was really confusing and has a lot of grammar mistakes because I'm pressured to finish that part. So I'm currently fixing it. LOL! I was just really excited to start on the next chapters that will show Sebastian's feelings for Crystal. Axl will also try even harder to get her back. This part is really complicated, full of drama, filler chapters and emotional scenes.

You're all free to ask me if any of you can't follow up with the story and I'm willing to take some suggestions from all of you! Those are my favorites! :) ♥

I really hated to make my readers wait but I've been very busy at home and school that's why it takes me a week or two to update. I'll try to write more often this time, because I could see how much you guys love my story!

Lastly, thanks for everyone who reads this fanfiction! I'm gaining hundreds of readers each day! That means a lot to me. I love you all! So…


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