13: He's all I ever wanted

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       When she got back to Axl's mansion that seemed to be like hell for her during the past months, her heart is pounding against her chest and her knees trembled when she saw his car at the garage. As she enter the lounge room, her steps went heavier.

       A gasp escaped her lips when she saw a glass vase thrown towards her. She flinched and the base hitted the wall, breaking into millions of pieces. The red petals scattered on the floor like blood stains.

"So what's in between you and Adler?" Axl said as he sat on the sofa, completely drunk and giving her a glare that seemed to be burning her pale skin. Terror made her speechless.

        She wanted to confront him about everything he did, he was missing for weeks and she found out lately that he has another girl aside from her.

He slammed his fist on the table infront of him, "Didn't you f**kin' heard me?"

     His voice is like a roar of thunder that scares her. This time, she was urged her to talk, "How' bout you, can you tell me who is the woman you are screwing at the arena?"

Shit, I shouldn't have said that!

"So Slash's right, Adler brought you at the arena" he scowled. "Why does it matter to you anyways?"

She clenched her fist as tears stream down her ivory cheeks, "That's because I love you Axl! I want you to be all mine!"

        He got up and stumbled towards her.

"You already have Adler, why would you need my love anyways? Guess this ain't the first time you went out with him while I'm gone, right, lil' bitch?" he said sarcastically.

"That wasn't true! I was never a two-timer like you" she yelled.

"What did you just said?" he grabbed her wrist and she winced in pain.

"Axl, you're hurting me!" she tried to rip her hand from his grip that seemed to be crushing her bones.

       Am I going to end up like this? Without seeing mom? Without a last word to Adam? Oh God, help me…

"Let me go!" she shutted her eyes closed.

       All of a sudden, the door opened, Slash and Duff came into the lounge room. He got away from her and glared at the two guys.

"Hey Axl! What do you think you're doin'?" Duff yelled.

"Help me!" Crystal took her time to escape, she ran to Slash and embraced him while crying in fear. He hugged her back.

"It's okay, sweetheart" he whispered and kissed her forehead.

"You guys get the hell outta here! It's none of your goddamn businesses!" Axl growled.

"Hey buddy, you're drunk, just leave her to us and we'll talk to her" Duff stepped towards Axl, trying to calm him down.

"Shut up Duff, this is our relationship, you have nothing to do with this!" he spatted.

"Let's get the hell outta here" Slash dragged Crystal upstairs, leaving Duff arguing with Axl.

        They went to Crystal's room and they both sat down on the bed. Her heart skips continously whenever she hears muffled voice of Axl coming downstairs.

"Slash I'm so scared, don't leave  me"

       He wrapped his arms around her, closing the gap in between them, "You'll be safe as long as you're with me… but I want you to tell me why're you with Adler last night?" he glared down at her, swiping her copper hair out of her pretty face.

Book 1: Sweet Child O' Mine (Guns N' Roses Fanfiction)✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora