"No way!" she pushed him.

"Excuse me" a voice interrupted them.

       They stopped and glared at Axl, standing by their seat. As for Crystal, Slash was just being friendly, but for Axl, his actions means different.

"Hey Ax!" Slash said nervously under Axl's death glare, quickly taking his arm off Crystal who was looking away. This time, she realized that the jet was about to take off and she could also hear Duff, Matt and Dizzy's chatterings at the other seats.

"May I have my girlfriend back?" Axl asked sarcastically.

"Sure, dude" Slash shrugged, he gave Crystal a smile before getting up to move to another seat. Axl sat beside her, scooting closer too her to close the gap in between them. She kept her gaze out of the window.

"Like the view?" he hugged her from her back and rested his chin on her shoulder, feeling the heat radiating off his body. "Crystal, why're you torturing me?"

        Axl haven't seen her that happy before and he couldn't deny that he feels jealous about how Slash made her happy.

"Axl, don't be so immature. Slash and I were just having fun-"

"Why with him? So you think I'm boring?" he cut her off.

She sighed, by those question which she found rhetorical, she knows that he was hurted. How am I going to have fun with him if he's like a dangerous beast that gets easily set off?

"You are my only happiness" she turned to him. "That's the reason why I'm with you, the reason why I left behind everything I have just to be with you"

"Yeah… like I'm gonna believe that" he sneered, facing away.

"Shit!" she yelled, clenching her fists."Why do you have to be so f***ing complicated all the time!"

       For sure, all of the people in the jet heard her. Axl was surprised by that bitchy side of hers. He looked back at her with an amused reaction.

"Keep it down, will you?" he mocked her, making her even more pissed off.

He was sad, then angry and all of a sudden he was making fun of me!

He was crazy! A nutcase! A real motherf***er!

It's my turn to be angry!

"You're such a dick!" she slapped him across the face and left him, walking down the isle to look for a better seatmate.

"Crystal get your ass back here!" he yelled from his seat.

      Slash and Duff were at the front row, snickering, probably about Crystal. Matt is with his sexy, blonde girlfriend, Ace Harper, snapping pictures with his camera. Dizzy was alone, wrapped around a blanket, he flashed Crystal a smile as she pass by him. Despite of the flaring anger she has inside, she returned him a smile and headed to the very last row, Izzy was there all alone. He was staring at the window with a bottle of J&D in his hand. She jumped beside him, folding her arms over her chest.

"This will help" Izzy smirked at her, offering her the bottle in his hand. She snatched it from him and chugged the half of it as if she haven't drinked for years.

"Wow" he chuckled.

She gave the bottle back to him, wiping off her lips with her wrist.  "Your best friend's a nutcase"

"I can't believe you just yelled at him" he took another sip from his drink.

"I didn't just yelled at him, I also  slapped his god damn face" she muttered.

"You're really brave and your vocabulary has just… " his voice trailed off.

"What?" she cocked an eyebrow.

"… changed a little bit" he continued, making a half smile.

       It was really cold inside the jet, caused her to shiver. Her top was only a black tube that ended over her belly button. Izzy noticed her at the corner of his eye, he pulled out a blanket and wrapped it around Crystal. She glared at him surprisingly with a blush on her face.

He shrugged awkwardly, "I know that this should be Axl's job but I'd like to do it for him"

"Thanks Izzy, you're really nice" she clutched the blanket around her and rested her head on his shoulder.



January 20, 1991| Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

           The next day, the jet has finally landed on Brazil. They rode the tour bus that was waiting for them at the airport and traveled to the gigantic arena of Rio de Janeiro. As usual, the whole place is crowded with Portuguese fans. The whole band and their crews entered the arena, being followed by their security guards.

       Crystal was on a bench beside Ace, doing her makeup quickly. Smudging some eye shadow, eyeliner and red lipstick, she checked out herself for the time at the mirror to make sure she looked good. Ace was watching her intently.

"I really envy that face of yours" she beamed at Crystal, making her laugh a little bit.

"Thanks… and you are really sexy in that outfit" Crystal replied, referring to Ace's V-neck top that she was completely exposing her cleavage.

Hot tits, I wouldn't wonder how she caught Matt Sorum's attention.

Ace chuckled, "How old are you Crystal?"

"Eighteen" she answered. Her mood suddenly changed when she saw Axl walking towards her. She's been avoiding him eversince yesterday.

"Can we talk for a while?" he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Sure" she rolled her eyes and waved goodbye at Ace before following Axl into his dressing room.

        Once they got in, he pushed Crystal into the room and locked the door behind them.

"What the hell?" she looked up to him with a scornful expression.

"You're not getting away from me babe" he leaned against the door, crossing his arms. "You think Izzy is enough to make me jelous?"

"Axl, you're crazy. I wasn't making you jelous, I just needed someone who is calm enough to lighten my mood yesterday" she scowled at him.

"Come on, I just don't feel well yesterday and your colorful vocabulary has… suddenly amused me" he shrugged.

She groaned, feeling even more annoyed. "Alright, to end up this argument, let's just forget about it"

All we need is just a f***ing patience!

"So that means I'm forgiven?" he smirked.

"Yeah… yeah… just let me outta here!" she demanded.

"Not without a good luck kiss, baby" he stepped towards her, cupping her face with his hands.

Finally, she smiled. Who could ever resist that stupid, gorgeous face of yours?

        She pushed him against the wall and smashed her lips on his, nibbling his bottom lip lightly. He kissed her back, making her moan into his mouth. He took his chance to intertwin his tongue with hers. But they both pulled away, when someone started banging on the door.

"F***k" Axl hissed.

"Axl! We got a gig to play remember?" they heard Duff's muffled voice.

"Coming!" Axl yelled back.

"We could continue this on bed after the gig" he smiled teasingly, sliding his hand from her back, down her hips.

She ran her fingers through his soft, ginger hair, giggling continously. "Sure, honey"

       Axl fixed the bandanna around his head and they headed out of the dressing room. Rock in Rio festival started in no time.  Crystal and Ace were left at the backstage, watching the guys rock the world at the small T.V. screens.

Book 1: Sweet Child O' Mine (Guns N' Roses Fanfiction)✔Where stories live. Discover now