16: The band's girl

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Was it just a dream?

     Crystal thought deeply to herself to see the other side of the bed empty. Where's Axl?

         Throwing the blanket off her naked body, she jumped off the bed and grabbed some tank top and boxers from the closet. After getting dressed, she got out of the room and headed downstairs, searching for him. She noticed a guy's figure at the dining area, sitting on the chair while flipping through a magazine. There he is!

She hurried to the dining area and yelled, "Babe, good morning!"

       She clamped her hands over her mouth when she realized that it was Izzy. He looked up to her from the magazine in his hands. His dark, shaggy hair was messy in a very hot way.

"Good Morning" he plainly stated with his graspy voice. "You're finally back. Obviously, you and Axl had finally fixed everything"

Crystal felt a bit shy, "Oh, hey Izzy, it's nice to see you again… uhm, yeah, me and Axl were doing good right now"

"Don't worry, he just went out to pick up the rest of the dorks" he muttered, still holding that boring expression of his.

"So you stayed here last night?" she took a few step towards the table and pulled a chair to sit.

"Actually, during the day you left, he asked me to stay here for he was scared to be alone. Since then, he's been always asking me to stay here and we decided to start working on our new songs together" he explained with his gaze still on the magazine he was reading.

"Oh, you guys are really best buddies" she chuckled, making him smile a bit.

The first time she talked to Izzy is quite weird. But this time, she discovered that he's friendly and not as boring as his usual expression.

Wow, I never know that this guy knows how to smile!

"Wait, I'll go get something" he got up and went to the kitchen. Crystal noticed the half naked chics on the magazine he left on the table.

A typical guy, I wonder what he was doing at the kitchen…

        Finally, Izzy came back holding a plate of waffles and a mug of coffee, he placed them on the table. Crystal felt her cheeks heat up. Why is he doing this?

God, is this really Izzy?

Since when did he cared about me?

"Axl told me to take care of you while he's gone" he made a lopsided grin.

That anwers it…

"Gee, thanks Izzy, that's really sweet. She shrugged shyly.

       She ate the waffles, feeling the awkward silence in between them.

That's really sweet but strange, anyways, he's just doing what Axl has told him.

"You and Axl are really loud last night. I could hear you from the guest room" Izzy suddenly blurted out. She almost got choked up.

"Oh, no…" her voice trailed off. How to respond to that?

"Damn, I forgot my lighter!" a voice said from the lounge room, followed by a chorus of talking male voices, she knows whose voice are those.

"I'll kick your balls, loser"

"Darren, that's mine"

"No it's not! Give me that shit!"

Book 1: Sweet Child O' Mine (Guns N' Roses Fanfiction)✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن