6: Mr. Rockstar is back

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"Mom, he wasn't that kind of... " her voice trailed off.

"Crystal, you know to yourself that he wasn't a very decent and respectful man so I want you to be careful, understood?" Evangeline looked into her daughter's eyes sincerely.

"Yes mom" she nodded to avoid any arguement.

Later that day, she packed most of her clothes, make up, accessories and other stuffs. She tuned up the volume of the cassette player, hearing Kurt Kobain's voice just drived her sleepy so she just went over to her desktop to check some emails and there's one from Travis R.

Don't even dare Crystal,

Remember, he's the guy who ruined your freakin' night...

Despite of trying to fight off her thoughts, she still dared to read the email from Travis.

'Hey Crys, I'm really sorry. The flight was canceled last week and I was trying to call you for days. I'll be on my way to Europe tomorrow and I want you to come over at my place right now to see you for the last time to make it clear for you. But if your not going, will you please just answer my calls or message me? I still love you Crys and you know that'


Crystal sighed and started typing a reply to him.

'Travis, you'll never see me again like what you've said during the party. You've got to move on like what I'm doin'. Just live your life and forget about me. You want to know how I felt when you said those things to me? I just felt like you won't even care to come back for me, forever. Don't worry, you're forgiven and will be forgotten soon. Besides, you could easily find someone to replace me. Someone who would understand you. Farewell...'


She got up, shutting down the desktop computer and headed to the bathroom. I shouldn't be wasting my time for this jerk.

She stripped off her clothes and stepped into the warm shower.

Shed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you,

I'm still alright to smile,

Girl, I think about you,

Every day now...

As she sang along with her sweet, angelic voice, she closed her eyes and she could imagine Axl's gorgeous face. Once she's done, she got back to her room. She pulled out a red Rolling Stones shirt and a pair of tattered, denim shorts from her closet. She put them on, rolling up the sleeves of her shirt and slipped on her black tigh-high boots with high heels. They were hard to were but she really love them, her long legs looked even more sensational. Grabbing her bag of make up, she surrounded her icy-blue eyes with liquid eyeliner and applied some red lipstick. She checked out herself at the mirror for the last time and smirked, realizing how hot and stunning she was. A knock on the door distracted her. She opened the door and smiled at her mother who just reached below her chin.

"Honey, are you sure you are going out like that?" Evangeline looked up to her, worriedly.

"Why Mom? I look good"

Evangeline sighed, "Yeah darling, you've been always a very attractive lady but can't you dress in a more decent way?"

"I like myself this way. Please let me be comfortable about how I look" she made a weak smile.

"If that's what you want honey" she her cupped her daughter's face.

"It's really hard for me to see you leave" tears streamed down Evangeline's face. Crystal embraced her mother.

"Mom, it's not like I'm gone forever" she chuckled, trying to lighten the situation.

"Crystal, my darling, take care of yourself"

"Crys! Axl's here!" Adam yelled downstairs.

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed in excitement.

"Okay, I must be going Mom" she kissed her mother and grabbed her suitcase, carefully walking downstairs while Evangeline follows her.

Once she reached the lounge room, she saw Axl, waiting for her by the doorway. She felt like she's passing out when their eyes locked together. His perfect lips made a crooked smile. She ran to him and he pulled her to a hug, spinning her around.

"Aw, I missed that pretty face"

"I missed you a thousand times!"

"Ready to go?" she could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Yeah" she burried her face into his chest. Evangeline sighed heavily as she watch her daughter.

They got out of the house and Crystal's eyes lit up to see the limousine, waiting for them. The driver opened the door for them and carried the suitcase. Axl got into the limousine together with Crystal. She looked out of the window and waved her hand at Evangeline and Adam who were standing by the gate, smiling at her.

Suddenly, she felt someone tuck her hair behind her ear. She looked up to Axl whose gorgeous face is a few centimeters away from hers.

"Hot-looking today, aren't you?" he whispered. She felt extremely tensed as he lean closer to her.

"Axl" she gently pushed him away.

"Sorry, I just can't resist that beautiful face of yours" he stroked her cheek with his finger. She giggled and faced away. How I hate his flirtatious side...

"You don't look like a kid at all" he looked down and held her soft hands, intertwining his fingers with hers. Her heart fluttered.

"You became someone important to me eversince I hang out with you" she rested her head on his chest, hitting the his chain necklaces.

"Don't worry, I'll take you with each of my tours and gigs so that we'll never be departed anymore"

I love him, he's been always the guy I've been dreaming off. I don't care about the risk or anything that'll change in my life. I just wanted to be with him.

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