2: A dream come true

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"Well... I must be on my way, thanks again" she grabbed the shirt excitedly and turned around to leave but she suddenly felt a tight grip on her wrist. Turning around, she met Axl's gray eyes.

"Wait, I haven't known your name"

"Uhm...it's Crystal. Crystal Watson" she almost stuttered in nervousness. The other members, Slash, Izzy Stradlin, Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum, their new drummer exchanged looks.

"Hey man, what do you think you're doin'?" Slash blurted out, holding a joint in between his fingers.

"He's hitting on her, isn't it obvious?" Duff muttered.

"Hey beautiful, don't trust him, he's rabid" Slash yelled. The other members bursted out laughing.

"Shut the hell up, jerks!" Axl gritted his teeth.

Crystal couldn't believe what's hapening - This must be a dream...

"So where do you live?" Axl turned his attention back to Crystal.

"Uhm... a few blocks away from here" she answered, tucking a lock of her copper hair.

"It's almost midnight, let me take you home"

Crystal's eyes widened, "What?"

First of all, he's a famous rockstar, what would the people say?... the fans, medias... what will happen to me? Second, why should a famous rockstar like him would even care about a fangirl like me?...Crystal thought to herself. She stared at Axl's tight grip on her wrist.

"Why should you do that? Are you crazy?" she said in disbelief, almost regretting what she have said.

"Did you heard that?" Izzy nudged Duff and they all started laughing like lunatic chickens, clucking.

"Yes, I'll always be" Axl deadpanned and shot the guys a death glare.

"Wait...I don't it's safe for you to... you know, go-"

"Are you coming? or not?" he cutted her off. Crystal gulped and nodded slightly.

The gorgeous rockstar led Crystal out of the concert hall with some guards escorting them to his dark, luxury car. She told him the way to her house. Once he sped off down the road, her heart leaped.

"Slow down, your going to get us killed!"

"Relax, I won't let anything happen to you" he muttered, lighting a cigarette with his other hand.

"Are you sure?" she pressed herself against her seat in fear. She wasn't used to ride on a very swift car.

"How old are you?" he said with his eyes on the road.

"Uhm... seventeen" she muttered.

Axl smiled sarcastically, "A seventeen year old kid, aren't you scared to go alone?"

"What do you mean? I'm not a kid... Why should I be scared?" she felt even more tensed.

"Nevermind..." he blew a cloud of smoke into the air.

After twenty minutes of death ride, her house finally came into view. Axl pulled up his car infront of the gate. He looked at the surroundings before turning to Crystal who got shocked, their faces were few inches away. She felt his hot breath on her cheeks.

"Uhm... I can't believe you did this for me. This is such a dream come true" Crystal chuckled nervously.

Since he was still staring at her, she just embraced him tightly. He smirked, before shrugging her off in a polite way.

"It's my job to keep my fans happy and satisfied. Ya don't half to thank me" he muttered "By the way, keep this for me"

He slipped off his jacket with a logo of their album, 'Appetite for Destruction' and gave it to Crystal.

"Sure, take care... I'll never forget this day" she smiled, walking out of the car.

She stood infront of their gate as she watch Axl's luxury car sped off to an unknown destination. She let out a heavy sigh, remembering the unbelievable things happened to her. She thought that those things will just happen in her dream. She opened the gate and walked into their house, clutching Axl's jacket.

Once she stepped into the living room, she met Adam.

"Hey Crys! how's the concert?" he grinned.

Crystal squealed, she wants to tell her brother those unforgettable happenings a while ago but she's afraid that Adam might think that she's already insane if she'll tell that her favorite rockstar drove her home.

"I enjoyed it, too bad you didn't came" she smirked, showing the jacket from Axl.

"Woah? This is really cool!" he tried to snatch it from her but Crystal raised it in the air.

"Oh no you don't!" she stuck out her tongue "Sorry, but you've rathered to have a date with Hayley than to watch the concert"

"No choice..." Adam sighed.

Suddenly, Evangelime peaked from the kitchen.

"Oh, my Crystal is home!" she cheered "Dinner is ready darling!"

"Wait I'll get change" Crystal nodded before running upstairs, then to her room.

She threw the precious jacket on her bed and got changed. Then, she went back downstairs and sat by the dinner table with Adam while her mom serves them the delicious meal she cooked.

Book 1: Sweet Child O' Mine (Guns N' Roses Fanfiction)✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora