"What is the message?" He asked Dayu.

Dayu shook his head and smile, "I was asked to give it to him personally. But you will have some idea if you will all just look to the forest behind me,"

We all look at the dark trees behind Dayu. One by one, torches was lit until we saw the army behind him, waiting behind the trees.

The lights on the torches spanned as far as I can see. From left to right, I see soldiers carrying banners of the Province of SiChuan.

The numbers are enough to make us feel surrounded.

I will not be surprised if that is indeed the case.

"I want to speak to General Wang," Dayu's voice rang like a bell on every stunned soldiers inside the camp including me. "And please grant me my request or it will cease to be a request and may turn to a demand. We all won't want that..."

The soldier in charged of opening the gate looked at the coronel who first spoke to Dayu.

The coronel was cornered. He had no time to inform his superiors. He had to make the decision now.

"Are you the only one who will enter?" He asked Dayu.

Dayu laughed. I cringed. I would have liked to spend my life without hearing that hollow laugh of his again. But here I am, hearing it again.

"If that will make you feel secure," Dayu shrugged and smile like that question is a big jest for him.

I understand why he is amused. I fought the man. I think it will be safer to invite every last soldier of Governor Feng's army inside the camp than permitting an alone Dayu to come inside.

He is the most dangerous man in Governor Feng's arsenal.

"Open the gate," the coronel ordered.

I immediately run back down to the ground. As the gate open, I make sure that I am in the front of the crowd that will welcome him.

Dayu strode inside, looking relaxed and calm.

A nervous looking soldier walked to him, "W-weapons?" He stuttered as he asked Dayu to surrender any weapon he have with him.

Dayu stretch his hand sideways, silently permitting anyone to feel him out for weapon.

I strode forward to touch him but he took a step backwards. "Anyone but you," he said in a clear cold tone.

It's a slap. Everyone knew we are lovers. We are an open secret to this camp. And him refusing my touch is a verbal slap to me.

"Captain Jiang?" Dayu incline his head a little to the side to look at my friend.

Jiang sighed and gave me an apologetic look. I nodded and gritted my teeth as I watch my friend touch my lover.

Dayu smiled flirtatiously at Jiang. "You can be more thorough than that. Touch me anywhere, I am not hiding anything," he accompanied that with a sweet wink.

I took a step forward but Wei stopped me, "Don't be stupid," he whispered in my ear. "He is clearly provoking you. Don't give him the satisfaction!"

Jiang gave Dayu a pained look. Like "You know I have a lover and your own lover is looking," kind of look.

Dayu laughed again. In amusement this time.

Jiang finished checking him for hidden weapon. Dayu smoothen his black robe. Then with a move as quick as a blink of an eye, he reach out and took the sword of the soldier who first approach him. He point that sword to Jiang's neck. Right under my friend's chin.

QingYu: A Wuxia Tale (Going Through Reediting)Where stories live. Discover now