And last, the lost of Mr.Shu, Dayu's uncle.

This place might held the happy memory of me meeting Dayu but I have a bad feeling that this is also the place where I could lose him forever.

If I will not take some actions for him to forgive me for killing the one who stood up as a parent for him, I think losing Dayu will be a great probability.

But how? Where will I start asking Dayu for his forgiveness when I don't even know where he is.

"He is in that field. Together with Governor Feng," I said as it clicked in my mind.

I close my eyes in despair. Dayu is with the Governor of the place where he grew up and trained as an assasin. Governor Feng protect  the assasin known as "The Shadow". That's why Dayu always goes back to SiChuan after every mission.

It all clicked now.

And Governor Feng hates General Zong and this base. After the way the former Master General besmirched the Governor's name and reputation in front of the Emperor, resulting in the Emperor almost not supporting the SiChuan province, leaving its people dying in famine, it will be understandable if Governor Feng will be mad enough to raze and invade this base.

HanZong Military Base is General Zong's pride. The first base he founded. This is also my father's pride.

Dayu will want to burn and level this place, with the way he hates my father.

My hands pulled the strands of my hair. I don't see any peace in sight.

"What should we do?" I asked Jiang. I can't think anymore. My mind, I think, just about had it with everything that happened today.

"Save as many as we can. Starting with the innocent helpers." Jiang answered.

Of course. Mr.Shu's helpers. They have to be prioritized. They have no training although I am starting to doubt that all of them are as innocent as what they seem.

I saw helpers helping Dayu before. And I think helpers helped my lover, I refuse to think of him as my former lover, we are not over yet, to take Mr.Shu's body out of this camp.

"What else?" I asked Jiang again.

"Save as many soldiers as we can. Wei, of course, had to be warned. And convince as many captain as we can to convince them not engage in a fight against Governor Feng's superior army." Jiang added.

That makes sense. It will be a waste to try and defend this place if we are outnumbered and the chance that we will die if we fight is too high.

"When do you think they will attack?" I asked Jiang.

(Dayu's POV)

As I felt the midnight hour passed, I stood up and look at Governor Feng.

"Gather your army, we will attack now." I said.

"But Dayu," Governor Feng gave me a surprised look.

I smirked, "Don't be alarmed, my dear Governor. I just want you to gather your forced and scare them first. I will even personally give the warning to them. The one and only warning they will get from us,"

Governor Feng nodded his understanding of my plan, "What about Mei?"

"Mei will understand it once we are stationed outside the base. He will know what to do as my cousin is smart. If not, I can always send a message to him, nothing too hard about that. But I want to scare them and see them scramble in fear. Those officials inside that base are all cowards. They will give me what I want as long as I put a little fear in them,"

"If you are sure," Governor nodded to his commander to give the order for the army to get ready to move out.

"I am," I look at Uncle Shu's grave. I know, after today, it will take a long time for me to come back here and visit him.

I have a war to win. A war against myself. A war against General Wang.

And a war against my own heart and desires.

I have to finish everything today. Before my resolves weaken and my plans changes again.

I close my eyes and remind myself again.

It's not for you, Jian Yu. Happiness is not for you. Take what you need and leave.

Kill General Wang and run away.

That is your punishment.

QingYu: A Wuxia Tale (Going Through Reediting)Where stories live. Discover now