38. Curve of Guidance

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I really want that gloomy face smile in the brightest of life, I want her to embrace life like she deserve. The pain she suffered can't be changed but her heart and soul deserve their joy of life.

"It is difficult."

"But that's the battle you have to win, everyday. Until you win and rise above it." I smiled concluding.

"You won again!" she whispered with a smile crawling over her face and gleaming eyes.

I frowned but before my mouth can form a query, I strong gust of wind rushed past me, almost making my back stumble backward. It was normal but there was nothing normal in it. The air carried a sweet scent in it. The scent was enchanting, similar to what my nostrils had dealt with.

The temperature rose to several degree in that second, my goose bumps rose in attention while my nose taking in the sweet smell.

What happened?

Is storm coming?

But scented storm—must be a natural phenomenon. Insanity mused while sanity planned to strangle it with bare hands.

"You must go. It's the right time for you to leave." My strangling plans were interrupted with her words.

There we are here again!


"Take care and have Faith and Hope." She wished and it was my signal to shut my mouth and take my idiot self away from here.

Fair enough! She knows better.

"You too. Good night and think about my words." I greeted back with a smile, this smile was genuine.

She gave a curt nod with the same impassive face.

Economic mode activated!

I nodded in response before standing and making my way toward the exit.

The fog which was until now floating in corners dared to dance around like it got permission to roam around in freedom.

As I was making my way out, a thought struck me and I took a revolution on my axis, "By the wa—"

I wanted to ask her something but my desperate vision searching her hindered by the thick layer floating all around.

"Huh? Strange." I muttered before going back but again my clumsy self had to make an appearance on the wrong time.

My feet stumbled over the brick arrangement and my body went straight south to hug the muddy park floor.

Yay! What a lovely night!

Thanks Fog! May you live long far away from me!

My face collided on the dusty muddy flourishing green grass which saved my thirty two soldiers from falling out of my mouth also saving my other body part from breaking.

Thank god! Sorry god! Now, I'll use my precious eyes.

I promised while standing up again. Dusting the fog from my clothes, my eyes went back on their searching job but found nothing but thick imprudent fog.

Where is she? I can't see her.

Where did she went?

Should I go and search?

Maybe I should, after all she was alone with me and it is night time.

No! She asked me to go, I think she too left.

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