Chapter 22

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They lived together in Xanthe's house happily. They had settled so well as a couple. The pregnancy was going well. There was only a month to go. They were preparing breakfast and Dom hugged her just as the baby kicked. They were laughing at her timing when Xanthe said out of the blue.

"Move in with me Dom. Don't leave."

"Are you sure?" he asked surprised.

"Yes Dom I am certain. I can't live without you." she said.

"Of course I will move in my love" he smiled.

The next day Dominic had decided to go and tell Summer. He also wanted to tell her that he was planning to ask Xanthe to marry him. It would be a surprise for Xanthe when Lilli-Rose was born. He thought it would be romantic to propose on the day their daughter would be born. He just hoped Summer would be able to cope with that much change.

Dominic entered the office of Summer's Doctor. He spoke to him about what he was planning. The Doctor said it was OK to tell Summer, but if there were any problems to call him. Dom opened the door to Summer's room and went in.

"Hey Summer, how are you feeling?" Dom asked.

"Hi Dad. I feel good thanks." she replied.

"I need to talk about some things that are happening. I have moved in with Xanthe. I have moved to her house, so when you get out you still have your home to go to. It will always be your home. I need to be with Xanthe more than ever now as the baby is due anytime in the next month. " he said.

"Thank you for being honest Dad. I appreciate it. I am sorry I hurt you both. I want to make things up to Xanthe when I get out of here." she said.

"Well maybe you could offer to be her bridesmaid? I plan to ask her to marry me when the baby comes." he smiled.

"That is great Dad. I am happy  if you are happy. Do you honestly think Xanthe would have me as a bridesmaid after what I did?" She asked.

"I am sure she would love it. Thank you for your support Summer. I love you my beautiful daughter."

"I love you too Dad. Let me know when the baby comes OK?"

" I sure will Summer. Who knows you may be home before she comes" he said.

"I am going to have a Baby sister?" Summer smiled.

"Yes you are. Take care Summer. See you again soon. "

"OK Dad. Give my best wishes to Xanthe."

"Will do kiddo." he smiled. He couldn't wait to tell Xanthe how well Summer was.

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