Fire and Ice

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She was like a bright ball of fire. She moves around the ice like a streak of flames, just lighting it up. Your eyes watch her like you've never seen anything like it, because you haven't. And probably never will again. Her movements sharp, her face changing along with the motions of her routine. Not water nor the wind can't put her out. Nothing can. Anyone who gets close enough to try will be burned. Her blades cut through the ice like a hot knife and she cuts through the air like butter on a really humid day. Never missing a beat or chance to leave your jaw on the ground. She looks like art in motion as the explosion of fire leaves nothing but chills all over everyone's body. She's unstoppable.

I was like ice. Cold to the core, thick and tough. Solid due to years of build up. I never melt under the heat they throw at me. Always calm cool and collected. I thrive when times are hardest and never break due to pressure. Like ice I'm relied heavily on by others and I'm always there, doing what I'm supposed to do and in ways that only I can. Like a flash of cold wind I'm wherever a play needs to be, leaving defenders frozen in their spots. I have ice in my veins and determination on my mind. Each stride I take is harder than the next, always looking to make a play.

And together we were the best of both worlds. In some ways we are complete opposites. On ice she is hot and I am cold. She is sharp and I am smooth. She is fire and I am ice. But one driving force kept us together. And while fire and ice were both very powerful by themselves, together they're something to see. And we shared the love to prove it.

Getting sent to a boarding school at 15 years old wasn't easy. I'm a family man through and through, and although they come to all my games, it still stinks not to have my moms cooking and dads coaching on hand when I need it. I was hundreds of miles away from home with no one to look over me or constantly give me advice. I had to learn to cook, to clean, and live with a bunch of other really messy and really gross dudes. That's harder than hockey, I can promise you that. The food here was sub par and the classes were okay. School really wasn't my thing, I've always had it in me I would play in the NHL and most of those guys don't even go to college so I guess it's okay that it isn't. St. Mary's Shattuck was no ordinary school and living here was hard to say the least.

But there was two things here that kept me going. The hockey program and my girlfriend Cassidy. The first year was rough, but I knew I had to do this to pave my path to the NHL. My parents made sacrifices and I had to also. So this was mine. Thankfully this pretty little blonde girl noticed I was struggling with my transition to becoming independent and helped me out.

One day I was in study hall trying to figure out how to do this math problem and she sits herself across from me. I was so nervous. I knew who she was, everyone who goes here did. She was all anyone ever talked about and for all good reasons. I had just gotten here and besides the guys on the team I didn't really know anyone. And there she was, the prettiest girl in school sitting across from me with killer eyes staring me down and the kindest smile. She talked to everyone in school but this was the first time we were alone together. We had a few classes together but I had never been just her and I. She picks up my pencil I was using and solves the problem step by step showing me what to do. She sends me a great smile and from that moment forward it's been her and I.

She says she did that because she felt bad for me but I think it's just because she thinks I'm cute. After that day she helped me with more than school work, it was cooking and laundry and falling in love. Wherever I was she was right there beside me, making sure I was being the best I could possibly be. We started out as friends then quickly became more than friends, and for that I'm forever thankful.

Her name is Cassidy RaeAnn Williams. She's here for figure skating just like I'm here for hockey. This school was filled with a prodigies of some kind, but no one could touch what she has done. No one really knows why she's here or how she got here. That's a mystery to even me. And it's obvious she has outgrown this place. But that doesn't defer from the fact that she is this fireball everyone seems to love. She's friends with all and will always be there if you need her. Not much I can say about her personality besides the fact that she has never said the wrong thing, listens better than anyone, and is the most genuine person you will ever find.

Watching her skate... it's an indescribable feeling. People are saying that she is going to set the ice skating world on fire, and she is. Her movements are so smooth and her tricks are so explosive. I get chills just thinking about it. She's by far the most popular person in this school filled with sensational athletes and I'm lucky she's mine.

After one year here I'm a lot more comfortable. I know more people, I understand what I need to do and what's expected of me. I'm here to grow as a hockey player but as a person as well. And if there's ever something I can't handle I know my wonderful girlfriend has got my back. We've already been through so much together in our young careers and it's exciting to see where we are going.

As of right now, I sit at the dining hall with Cassidy as we just stare at each other. We were done with classes and was just waiting to go to practice. With time to kill we decided to fuel up for some long training sessions.

"Why are you looking at me like that" she smiles as I sit across from her at the corner booth we preoccupied. Her long blonde hair wavy and resting on her strong arms that are only open for me. Her crystal blue eyes scan me trying to figure out why I was staring at her.

"Like what" I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

"Like we haven't been dating for a year" she claims sticking a long strand of hair behind her ear. Her long eyelashes reaching her eyebrow as she gives a shy smile. She tries to fight it off but it stays painted on her face like a perfect picture.

"Because, I love being constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have you. I love looking across the table and knowing that the coolest girl in school is here because she wanted to hang out with me. I love when you start to blush when I stare too long. I love how you make me feel when you stare back. I love it all" I respond.

"Love you too" she smirks. If only she knew what she did to me.

It was early September and it was about time things start picking up around here. School just started back and everyone who was here for a sport was getting in shape. There wasn't bunch to do here in Minnesota, but we make do with what we have.

After finishing a really early dinner we head to park and just sit outside. It was a bit chilly but every time we touched I felt warm inside, so I was fine. The sun was bright and beaming down on us so we sit under a familiar oak tree and she cuddles up into my side. I wrap a arm around her as we watch the sun set.

"Hey Jon" she asks in her voice that is sweeter than cake.

"Yeah Cassie" I reply.

"I think you're going to do great things in your life" she randomly says and I look down at her.

"What makes you say that" I wonder.

"Because I know you. I've seen you play. You're heads above the rest and you're just going to keep getting better. Plus, when you talk people listen" she claims.

"How do you know that" I ask.

"Because Jonny... I'm one of those people" she smiles. I lean down to give her a kiss and she does not hesitate to kiss back. I might only be 16 but I grew up fast. I knew what love was and I know that I loved this girl. I loved her more than I could explain. And although life here isn't always easy, I'll have a rough practice or homework up to my knees, I'll always have her around to keep my grounded.

Fire and Ice (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now