Chapter 19: Adele was wrong (rumors don't always have it)

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Adele was wrong (rumors don't always have it)

All I heard walking down the hall was silence. Well, not actual silence, more like nobody was talking about Mercedes and Tyler anymore. They were all talking about Melanie again, and the cafeteria incident was more than four days ago.

The problem was, I couldn't get a word out of my best friend. For the past few days, between handling the baby carriage once again and student council meetings, I hadn't been able to talk with her. But even then, I realized how distant she had become. It was as if we weren't as close as we used to be and I still couldn't understand why.

However, I did seem to make a new 'friend'. Sort of. Antoni and I had been constantly working on the project so much, we actually ended up becoming friendly to each other. Sometimes, he'd walk with me to class, and more recently, when Mercedes wasn't around at lunch, I'd sit with him and the fboys. And today was one of those days.

After geometry, Antoni waited for me and Connor and Oliver went on to save the table. We walked out together, hearing no rumors of my best friend and Tyler.

"This is strange," Antoni said as we entered the cafeteria.

"What is?" I asked, sidestepping so I could avoid a rambling freshman talking on their phone.

"Even I've noticed everyone has been talking about Tyler and Mercedes for the past few weeks. Now, it's like, empty," he said, furrowing his brow.

I merely shrugged. "I mean, I think it's okay that people stopped since it was getting pretty bad."

He gave me a look as we made it to the table and set our stuff down. "How much did Mercedes hear?"

"I've no idea, actually," I sighed, setting down my bag and following him to the line.

"She's still MIA from part of your life?"


Antoni shrugged. "Well, Connor's still pissed at Tyler. And for some reason, Tyler's acting weird around Oliver. He's like giving him the cold shoulder lately and he won't tell me why."

I sighed, shaking my head. There was still too much drama, even if the rumors had subsided.

Towards the end of lunch, amiss Oliver and Connor's attempt to flirt with two cheerleaders, Tyler came by. His face had the look of a rejected puppy, and he seemed more silent than usual, in addition to the fact that he was clutching a Chick-Fil-A bag as if his life depended on it.

"Hey, man," Antoni said slowly, looking up from his phone. "What's up?"

Tyler shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I have some leftover fries if you guys want any."

"Are you gonna sit?"

"I don't know. Where's Oliver and Connor?"

Antoni gestured to the far side of the cafeteria where they were sitting next to the two cheerleaders, flirting. "Over there."

Tyler sighed again, pulling out a chair and dropping himself onto it. Antoni leaned towards me, giving me a look before whispering, "Truth be told, I've never seen him like this before, ever."

I nodded in agreement, whispering back, "I know, it's... weird."

"Do you think-"

"Hey, you're one of Mercedes' friends, right," a voice said, interrupting whatever Antoni was going to say.

I looked over to see the girl that had asked Mercedes for a pad standing a few inches away, holding a walmart bag.

"Um, yeah..." I answered slowly, wondering what was going on. Tyler and Antoni were watching too, and I noticed Tyler's gaze darkened with an emotion I couldn't exactly pinpoint.

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