Chapter 7: One Left, so you can't hurt us

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One Left, so you can't hurt us

"Oliver isn't here," Mercedes said in a rush as she sat down beside me.

"What?" I turned to face her. "Why did he leave?"

"I have no idea, but this can't be good..." Mercedes said, looking around.

"Okay, now that's a bit over exaggerated," I sighed. "Calm down Mercedes."

"Alright, fine," My best friend grumbled, beginning to write in the journal. "But maybe after school we can figure out where he is."


"You'll figure it out."

"Why do you have so many surprises?"

"I'm a master at them, that's why."

"You're not a ninja."

"Correction, my cousin Cody isn't a ninja. I, on the other hand, am a ninja."

I rolled my eyes as she mentioned her cousin. What I found out when Mercedes came back from Louisiana is that her cousin, Cody, lived with her. He was two years older than her and was a pain, but there was those rare times when he was actually nice, and that was when he did something Mercedes' parents wouldn't allow him to do. He was a freaking idiot too, dropping out of high school in his Junior year just to get engaged to his three year girlfriend.

It didn't work out that well.

"Where are Tyler and Oliver?" Ms. Nivilla, our english teacher, asked as I focused back in on class.

"Tyler's in I.S.S," Connor declared. "And no idea where Oliver is."

"Alright then," Ms. Nivilla muttered and entered in the attendance. Once finished, she went to the front of the class, where she opened her mouth to begin speaking. However she was suddenly interrupted by one of our classmates, Joanne.

"Um, where's Ms. Leroy? Didn't you say she was gonna do the lesson with us today?" she asked, fixating her gaze on Ms. Nivilla and pushing her glasses up on the bridge of her nose.

Our teacher sighed, pretending not to roll her eyes. "She's making copies. She'll be back before class ends."

"What a great student teacher we have," grumbled someone in the back.

I suppressed a nod in agreement. Ms. Leroy had barely been here for a full two months, and she had been skipping our class constantly. It was either she had to leave early, or she was off doing something.

After a small pause, Ms. Nivilla cleared her throat and started speaking. "Anyway, as I was about to say, today we are going to decipher a small portion of Shakespeare's novel, 'Hamlet'. I have already gotten your groups together. There will be four in each and only one group will have three in it."

She began to call out names, and Mercedes and I exchanged glances. Please don't put Connor in our group.

"Mercedes, Valence, Anthony and Toby."

I inwardly heaved a sigh in relief, about to get up and go with Mercedes when Ms. Nivilla called out, "Valerie, Conner and Winter. You will be the group of three."

No. No. No.

I shot Mercedes a pleading look, and she gave me a sympathetic one in return as she shrugged. This was not going to be fun...

"Okay so let's read some 'Hamlet', everybody," Conner said, coming to Mercedes' desk and sitting next to me. Winter followed and sat on the other side of me, wringing her hands nervously.

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