Chapter 15: There's still the project

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There's still the project

"I forgot to ask Merc to translate."

"Why don't we give it to her now?"

"She's not answering my texts."

Antoni gave me a sideways look as we walked to lunch. "She was in our period literally two seconds ago."

"Yeah and Ms. Tassle didn't pair us for the partner worksheet. Didn't you see how fast she left the room once the bell rang?" I returned, holding back a sigh.

Mercedes had been unusually distant lately, and on the rare occasion when she did talk to me, it was brief. I couldn't help but feel like I had possibly done something, and it reminded me of the party. Obviously I had said some things, so that could be why she was barely talking to me.

Or maybe it's because of Tyler.

I bit back a scowl, banishing the thought from my mind instantly. There was no way Mercedes could be hanging out with Tyler on her own will. If anything, they were forced to because of Tyshaeisha but that's about it.

"Well she's here now," Antoni snorted, and I shook my head, focusing on where he was looking.

Sure enough, he was right. Mercedes walked towards us, baby carriage free, and a light air around her. In all honesty, it was the most lightened expression and mood I'd seen on her in days.

"Hey," she greeted me, flashing me a smile. "Can you check the writing I wrote for stuco?"

I knew she meant the journal. "Sure. By the way, do you mind translating this table for us? It's in Russian."

"Totally," she agreed, taking the table from Antoni.

I was surprised she wasn't asking why Antoni and I were walking together. Something was definitely off.

"Where are you going?" I asked, once she gave me the journal and proceeded to walk the opposite way.

"Student council room."

"You're not gonna eat?"

She rebutted my comment. "My mom's bringing food."

It stung to know she didn't look at me when she said it.

"Alright..." I trailed off, shoving my suspicion down. Only time would tell whether she would actually allow me to know what was going on.

As Antoni and I entered the cafeteria, I noticed he kept glancing at me, biting his lip.

"What?" I questioned, realizing how cute he looked doing it. Stop it, Val. It's not cute, it's fugly. Stop. It.

"You wanna sit with me and the guys? It'll give us some extra time to work on the project," he suggested, getting closer to his table.

I hid back a small smile, hoping my cheeks weren't as red as I suspected them to be. "Um, I mean, I don't know..."

Antoni gestured me to follow him. "Let's go then."

Oliver and Connor were already sitting down, eating. They looked up as I set my stuff in the chair next to where I would be sitting. Antoni did the same, about to follow me to the line, when Oliver stopped us.

"Dude, do you know where Tyler is?" he asked, stuffing a fry in his mouth. Ew, gross. Do they not know how to eat without being messy?

"Nah, man," Antoni shook his head. "No idea."

"So why's Valerie sitting with us then?"

"Because of the history project, remember?"

"Oh, right," Oliver grimaced. "Kinda forgot we had to do that."

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