Chapter 12: This isn't my idea of Heaven

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This isn't my idea of Heaven

"We don't have to be that dressed," I said to Valerie as she rifled through her closet.

"Says the girl who's wearing a tied flannel with a skirt!" Valerie exclaimed, backing out and holding a purple skater dress.

"I'm laid back. It's my style," I mused, putting on lip gloss.

"What shoes are you wearing?" my best friend asked, sounding muffled as she had just entered her bathroom to put on the dress.

"Converse, obviously."

"Which ones?"


"Nice," Val said as she opened the door and stepped out.

"Is this good?" she questioned, twirling slightly, her dress flaring a little.

I nodded, feeling a need not to reply verbally. Now and then, my feelings of Tyler resurfaced, causing me to lose focus. I just wished they would leave, or that they weren't real. It would make everything much simpler, easier, better.

"I just need to fix my hair and then I'm ready," Val looked at me, clearly taking in my outfit. I had barely messed with my hair, only putting it in a loose braid, and all I needed was my purse and Converse to be ready.

"I'll be by the door," I said, bending over to pick up my shoes then grabbing my purse off Val's bed.

"It won't take me long," Vall called after me. "Five minutes tops."

I nodded, even though she couldn't see, and made my way to the door where I leaned against it to put on my shoes. Clutching my purse strap, I threw it over my head so it would be crossbody, and waited.

"Let's go," Val said, walking out of her bedroom and towards the door.

"Alright," I replied, the click of her boots against the floor causing me to feel an unexpected bout of irritation. Why am I feeling like this? I never get this angry at Val.

We walked down the steps and to the carport where her buggy was parked. The hood was a little dented, with a few scratches here and there, but Val had fixed it up pretty nice. Around a year ago, she had gone to a dealership and found the little buggie. She instantly fell in love with it, painting it and taking it to the repair shop whenever the smallest thing went wrong.

"You ready?" Val asked as we buckled up, starting the car.

"Totally," I nodded, watching out the window as we left the neighborhood a minute later.

We drove for a good ten minutes before turning into one of the upper neighborhoods. Everyone knew where the party was, they were that well known.

Val parked half a block away from the house and we got out, walking up the sidewalk. The music was loud, and I felt the ground underneath me vibrate slightly. Some people were milling on the lawn, red plastic cups in their hands and laughter surrounding them.

I picked my way carefully over the grass, Val in tow, and entered the house, where a full blast of music greeting us.

"There are a lot of people here," Val shouted over the music.

"A lot of them are from our grade!" I yelled back.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I'll go get us a drink!"

Val glanced at me then nodded, almost hesitantly. I returned the nod and slipped past the bodies surrounding the whole room, heading towards the kitchen.

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