Chapter 14: Three's Too Many

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Three's Too Many

"Hey, Mercy, what are you doing there?"

I viciously rammed one of my books into my locker, throwing a glare in his direction. "Go away Connor. I'm not in the mood."

"Why?" he asked, smirking. "Is someone on their-"

I attempted to keep my books in order, yet failed as another one toppled over. "Don't even say it."

Connor snickered. "Alright, I won't. Maybe. It depends if you and I..."

He trailed off as my history book fell at his feet. He bent over to pick it up, extending it out to me with one hand.

"Don't play nice," I sneered, snatching it from him. "It doesn't work on you."

He snorted, rolling his eyes. "I've been nice before."

"Three years ago, you mean."

"And you've been gone for that long, remember?"

"So what I'm assuming is that one of the other nicest things you've done is seduce a girl into bed with you in the past three years."

A sly smile tugged at the edges of his lips as he stared at me. "Glad you brought that up, Mercy."

I gritted my teeth as I slammed my locker shut, precariously holding my binder and two books. "Why's that?"

I instantly regretted asking.

"Well, hopefully you'll consider this opportunity," Connor leaned in close, his smile a bit wider, showing his perfectly whitened teeth. "One night, you should come over. Just me and you. I can definitely give you a better time than Tyler ever will... or has."

I jerked my head away, causing me to almost bump it on the locker. I gave him the most disgusted look I could muster.

"You are a fucking pig," I hissed, panic blindsiding me the way a ball could smack an unsuspecting person in the face.

Nobody knows, I told myself, watching him as he snickered. Tyler and I haven't said anything to anyone.

"At least a kiss?" Connor pouted, blocking my way as I tried to maneuver around him.

"Gross," I grumbled.

"Why do you always do that?" he asked, rather a bit loudly, causing a few people to look at us.

"Go away," I hissed, staring at him defiantly. "It doesn't matter what I do. I obviously don't want to talk to you."

"Fine," he said, looking down at me, then whispered. "But if you do want a fun time, don't hesitate to ask, Mercy. Trust me when I say I'll give you so much more than Tyler ever could."

I stood, frozen, as Connor winked at me before walking away. I stayed there for a good minute until the morning bell rang, signaling for everyone to get to first period. Forcing myself to walk, I made it to history, plopping down in my seat.

No one knows. No one knows. No one can know. Mercedes, calm down. No one knows about you and Tyler.

"Hey Ditty, whatcha thinking about?" April asked, sliding into her seat, poking me on my shoulder.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked wearily, shooting her an attempted glare.

"Huh," April mused, then turned to nudge Aaron, who was engrossed playing a game on his phone. "Aaron, there's something up with Ditty."

"What?" he asked loudly, slowly raising his head so he could look at April.

"She didn't glare at me properly."

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