Chapter 13: Hungover & Allies

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Hungover & Allies

I slowly blinked opened my eyes, my head pounding tremendously. I let out a groan, feeling my sheets beneath me.

How did I get here?

My curtains were closed, blocking a majority of the sunlight, which I was grateful for. I slowly sat up, holding my head, and squinting around my room. My boots were on the floor, and I noticed a note next to some aspirin and a glass of water. Almost instantly, anger spurred up inside me.

Why isn't she here? Clearly she doesn't care if she won't stay with me.

I reached for the note, almost knocking off my phone is the process. I muttered a curse word before leaning back against the pillows and reading the paper.

Hey Val,
I came by to check up on you.
Take the aspirin and water, it'll help.
Hope you feel better and I'm sorry.
Love you always,
Your bff Mercedes

I stared at the note for a few seconds, my anger slightly dissipating. But it wasn't all gone, and I couldn't tell whether it would always be there or not. I sighed, taking the aspirin like she said and downing a gulp of water. I did feel a bit better, yet still couldn't shake off the anger.

I wanted my best friend here. What's so important that all she could do was write a message and leave?

I tried pushing the thoughts out of my mind, but they only made my headache worse. I collapsed back against the pillows, tiredness seeping into my bones as if I hadn't already gotten a lot of rest. That reminded me, I wondered what time it was. Picking up my phone, I pressed the home button; my screen saver popping up along with the time: two thirty-five pm.

I sighed loudly. I've never slept in this late before, regardless of whether I-

I stopped suddenly, remembering last night.

Mercedes had just gone into the closet with whoever she got picked with. I downed my drink, ignoring Oliver as he kept smirking deviously, and stood up to get another one. I swayed a little, the room around me spinning slightly, yet made it to the kitchen to grab another drink.

"Hey Val," Connor jerked his head in a greeting.

"What. I just neeeeeed a drink," I slurred, annoyance sparking within me.

"Coming right up. Does Mercy need one too?"

"No. She's probably being fucked in the closet right now."

Connor gave me a surprised look, and if I wasn't as drunk as I was, I could tell there was jealousy in his eyes. He handed me my drink seconds later, and I nodded before leaving the room.

I don't remember what happened afterward, but what I do know is Mercedes found me and tried talking to me.


I snapped back at her, not even registering what I was saying. I was pissed, hurt, fearful. I didn't want to lose my best friend. But I also didn't want to stay best friends if all she was going to do was lie.

She sounded worried. Like hell she was, she was obviously faking it. Just like she fakes everything else. I said more things, which I barely remember, then felt the urge to puke.

Fuck. No.

But there it went, spewing onto the floor. The next thing I knew, I felt strong arms carrying me somewhere, the movement of a car and the unlocking of a door. I barely registered who it was, but I had a feeling it was somebody I knew.

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