Chapter 8: Sandwiched With Chemicals

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Sandwiched with Chemicals

"Class! In, get in! Dawdling by the door is unnecessary when there's a new seating chart. I like to switch things up every now and then, so this may last for a week or maybe even the rest of the year if I feel like it!" Dr. Vafter, our chemistry teacher exclaimed.

I shook my head, finding my number I was supposed to be at among the long, black science tables. I was in the middle, which didn't bother me any, until he plopped down next to me.

"'Sup Mercedes," he grinned. "Fancy sitting next to you for however long."

I bit the inside of my cheek in order to try and contain my anger. "Shut up Connor. You don't even care about this class so stop pretending like you do."

"Awh," Connor pouted. "Is little Mercy mad? Do you need me to help? Would a kiss on the lips make you feel any better baby?"

I scowled viciously. "Don't call me Mercy, and why would I want to kiss you. You're a nasty little bastard."

Connor frowned, his eyes darkened. "You didn't say anything when it happened last time." he said lowly in my ear.

I jerked away and whispered furiously, my anger about to boil over. "That was three years ago! Get over yourself already."

Connor stared at me, his expression unreadable. "Suit yourself. Anyway, you're going to have a lot of fun this time."

I gave him a confused look. "What?"

Dr. Vafter began checking roll, and a icy feeling rose in my gut. This could not be good.

"Tyler? Mr. Dorran? Are you not here?" he called out, and locked eyes with me and the empty seat next to myself.

Oh no. Oh God no.

I was in between two of the school's fuckboys in chemistry. I was sitting next to Connor and Tyler. Oh my God.

"No..." I automatically groaned out loud.

Connor winked at me. "Everything okay there doll?"

I glared at him, pressing my palms against the chair to help control my anger. "Why don't you worry about yourself? Clearly you do it all the time, so why not do it now too?"

He rolled his eyes, managing to tell me something softly so only I could hear before Dr. Vafter started class. "Can't really do that if you're here. I'm not that conceited, you know of all people should know that."

I cringed, quickly turned around, and focused intently on the lesson. It was the first time I had ever genuinely cared about chemistry, and wanted to soak in every word as if my life depended on it.

On the way home, I struggled to carry the baby carrier. It seemed to weigh an extra ten pounds since we first got it; definately not fair.

I knew I was going to dread chemistry even more than I already have been. I felt it in my gut, and desperately tried to shove it away, but it festered uncontrollably until today. I shook my head, inwardly cursing Tyler. He was so dead.

"Mercedes! Wait!"

I shuddered. Speak of the devil.

I kept walking, trying to hurry. There was no way I could use my full anger out on him carrying all this stuff.

"Mercedes! Please!"

I felt my stomach drop as if I was going down a long fall on a roller coaster. That wasn't the first time I had heard those words drip from his mouth.

"Mercedes, stop right now." Tyler yelled, and he was suddenly in front of me, blocking my-- our way home.

"What?" I snapped, giving him my worst death glare.

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