Chapter 18: Appropiate

Start from the beginning

I stared at him a moment longer, wishing I didn't feel the regret tugging at me like the wind would at a tree during a storm. It was my fault Tyler was like this, and I had no clue on whether or not he would want to talk to me again. My regret grew stronger the more I stared yet I couldn't bear to look away. I miss him too much, I thought miserably. Tyler, I really, really miss you.

As if he knew I was thinking about him, he raised his eyes and locked them with mine. My heart jumped almost like it could've landed in my stomach and I quickly turned away, blinking furiously. Don't cry, don't cry, don't you dare cry Mercedes!

The blue light from the projector caught my attention and I watched it intently until Mr. Gardener brought up the powerpoint.

"Well, it looks like we're going over the student conduct," our teacher grumbled. "This wasn't my idea either, so don't any of you hate me for it."

April and I exchanged a glance as she turned her head slightly to look at me.

'Student conduct?' she mouthed, her brows furrowed in confusion.

'I don't know,' I mouthed back and she faced the front again once Mr. Gardener began speaking.

What is going on? Why do we have to go over this, it's too random... unless something happened.

My eyes widened as I thought of what could've happened. But what could it be?

Lunch rolled around much faster than I intended it to, yet there was no way anyone could escape the rumors viciously tearing at the halls. They were either about Tyler and I, which I had done my best to ignore the looks I received, or Melanie's herpes or why the student conduct was gone over.

For the first time in a while, Val and I walked to the cafeteria. I kept my ears alert, hearing for whispered jabs that weren't directed at me or Tyler and hoped they had stopped since everyone was so concerned about today. After managing to hear nothing as far as entering the cafeteria, Val and I set our bags down at the nearest table, standing in the lunch line.

"It's Melanie!" A girl hissed behind us, and as if on instinct, many people turned their heads to watch her walk in.

"Her hair was down during practice," another girl said. "She's totally embarrassed of that rash."

"Of the herpes rash you mean," someone else snickered.

"I can't believe it. The only junior cheer captain since forever, and she ruins it like this."

The line shifted forward, and we followed, yet I couldn't tear my gaze away from the middle of the cafeteria. Melanie was talking to one of her friends, the co-captain I think, before standing up on the table to catch everyone's attention.

"Holy hell," Val said suddenly, catching me by surprise. That was the most she'd spoken to me all day. "What is she doing!"

"I have no clue," I responded, as we continued to watch her.

She smoothed out her skirt, biting her lip before flipping her hair out of her face to reveal the rash.

"This," she gestured to it, her voice ringing in the now silent cafeteria. "Is not herpes. It's called an allergic reaction you dipshits. You want me to prove it? I brought some damn avocado just in case you guys were curious enough."

"She wouldn't," breathed Val, and we continued to stare as she picked up a spoonful of avocado and raised it to her mouth.

"Melanie!" The co-captain shrieked, smacking it out of her hands. It flew onto the floor, narrowly missing a guy's head.

"I think everyone believes you," she said as Melanie rounded on her furiously. "There is no need for you to prove your allergic reaction."

With a huff, Melanie stepped off the table, her gaze raking across the room. There was a burst of conversation once again, everyone chattering like starlings.

"Well that's one way to stop a rumor," I muttered in Val's ear as we finished grabbing our food.

She snorted. "Stupid if you ask me. You know, if Harley hadn't slapped it out of her hands, who knows how badly she would've reacted to it."

I nodded in agreement as we walked to our table and sat down. We ate in comfortable silence, until someone dashed towards us urgently.

"You guys have Nivilla for english, right," she asked, wiping her bangs across her forehead.

"Yeah..." Val said slowly, confusion flickering in her eyes.

"She's gonna tell you guys that Ms. Leroy isn't here anymore. It's gonna be a bullshit excuse too. She's been changing it every class period from what I've heard. Just wanted to let you all know, so," the girl panted and dashed off again before we could reply.

I glanced at Val, whose expression mirrored what I felt.

"Something is going on," I said, tapping my finger on my knee. "Student code of conduct and Ms. Leroy gone? Highly likely those two things are correlated."

"I think they are too... Listen, I wasn't sure on whether to write this in the journal or not only because as far as I know, it doesn't concern the f-boys," Val moved a piece of chicken with her fork before locking eyes with me. "But I think Ms. Leroy was being a little too friendly with someone one day."

"What?" I coughed in disbelief as my best friend described what happened after school one day when she left her binder in class.

"But who could it be with though?" I asked, trying to wrap my mind around it.

"I dunno. But I have a feeling it might be someone we know... Which isn't good..."

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