🔮 Chap1 🔮

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The world was not same after all. It was a mysterious world, a world where magic existed and a world where humans are still oblivious about the existence of supernatural creatures. Though it might be unique for the real world, it was still a same old college day for the witches and wizard.

It was a usual atmosphere at Alkaban High. The corridors filled with witches and wizards. It was noisy and cheerful as usual. Witches gossiping about the new student, Wizards trying their ways to pull out a prank on their juniors .

A new wizard walked his way through the entrance, a bag slung over his shoulder and a hazy confidence playing on his face. Everyone stopped their activities and gazed at the newly entered wizard from the foregate.

It was a tall handsome guy with pink hair and maroon cloak . He was wearing a old-fashioned bracelet on his right wrist which shined brightly when he smiled showing his bunny teeth. He had milky skin and sharp jawline. He kind of felt weird from all the stares but he was pretty used to it. And then murmurs filled the whole corridor.

'isn't he the Wizard from Canada??"

" he's cute though"

"Just wait until i lay hands on him"

"Whats with hair color, he looks like a stupid cotton candy"

" this place isn't for him!"............" Its seems he's a nerd in magic "

Everyone thought in their own ways and swam in their own lies judging and commenting on him. He was totally not a nerd in magic..... Though he was the top wizard, he never really made immense efforts to excel in it, it was like he owned it.

The pink haired guy's bunny smile faded. He was used to smile whenever he entered the college. The people in magic university he studied earlier were really friendly and sweet. Almost all of them were his friends. He was respected and loved by everyone.

But here it was different. He didn't feel the warmth he felt before. The people were glaring at him and talking shit about him. He could even hear few of the whispers. It felt bad. Awkward.

People moved away from the way as the boy walked through the corridor. All through this mess, there stood a girl who observed him through the crowd.

The blonde haired girl stepped forward and extended her hand towards the him, saying.." hello! I am Lalisa, you can call me Lisa. "

He shook her hand with a small smile and replied ..." hey! I'm Kang Daniel.. You can call me Dan"

She nodded and continued as they started walking towards the class " Even i am a foreign exchange student.... Now i am used to all this! You will too. This is how people here usually react.. They will pull all kinds of pranks to trouble you and of course, i am not talking about the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

"wait what? Who must not be named? We are not in a Harry Potter Movie, are we? " Daniel asked, pretty confused.

Lisa chuckled and said" That is what we call him! He is the one who we are all scared of. He surely is a trouble maker and prankster. He already ruined many people's life. "

"Is he that intense? Is he a topper in mystical studies? " Daniel asked

" Topper? Hell no! I doubt if he even knows a single spell related to peace." She said.

"You all fear him....but try complaining to the headmaster " He spoke

"headmaster? He himself is scared of him!... Cause he's the son of the chairman. You better avoid encountering him. " She warned

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 (𝓞𝓷𝓰𝓷𝓲𝓮𝓵) ✔Where stories live. Discover now