Chapter 30

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Steven woke up to hear Fiona.

'What's the fuck? What's happened?'

Fiona gave no response to the questions asked by her husband. She could only scramble out of the bed as though it had suddenly caught fire. Steven, stunned by the quick sudden movement, ran after her.

Pausing in the hallway, he wanted to know again what was going on? But Fiona looked down at the bottom of the staircase, trying to see the phantom pig. Brushed past Steven, saying not a word. Except going into the girl's bedroom.

Wherein that second, it was as though a hurricane had swept into the room. Fiona being the wind — looked inside the wardrobe, underneath the bed, behind the door. It had to be somewhere. She had seen it. My God! She had seen it.

'What, for God's sake, what?'

It was like speaking to a brick wall. Fiona still wouldn't tell Steven what she had seen. And he had to grab her by the arm.

'Fiona, look at me; has something happened?'

Fiona looked at the hand, squeezing her arm, shook the grip away and shouted out. 'Yes, a pig.'

'Like the one you saw before?'

'No, it was much bigger.'

'And you saw it?'

Fiona, for a few seconds, was flabbergasted by that question. And for a damn good reason, after all the ghostly things they had seen. Steven had doubts. She could see it in his eyes.

'You don't believe me?'

'I want to believe you, but you know what he can do. Make us see things that aren't there.'

'I know what I saw. It was a pig.'

'Okay, you saw it. Where did it go?'

'I don't know, but it had to go somewhere.'

From downstairs, a sudden crash met their ears, not just one crash, but several as though something had been torn away. It came from the kitchen.

'The fuck was that?' Fiona asked, forgetting all about the ghostly pig. She and Steven ran down the stairs into the kitchen. There they saw all the cupboard doors hanging askew.

'Wait here!' Steven said. Really expecting Fiona would. But like hell. She was running after Steven, wanting to know what he was doing.

'What does it look like?'

He had his toolbox ready.

'You're not going to start fixing the cupboards right now, are you?'

Steven flashed Fiona a look. 'Remind me again what time the social worker is coming around at?'

The penny dropping, Fiona knew if the social worker saw the kitchen, especially in the state it was in. It would do them no favours.

'But she's not coming around to after one.'

'And by that time, I'm at work.'

Steven was right if whatsherface saw the kitchen cupboards. She would think the worse.

They were living in a dump, allowing things to break, putting the kids in danger.

'Just a shame you can't fix the cupboards first thing in the morning.'

'Won't be enough time, not with work.'

Fiona agreed, and it seemed to Steven his wife had forgotten about the pig. Setting to work fixing the cupboard. Steven blew out a Jesus.

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