Chapter 4:

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Fiona had trouble sleeping, and the voices in her head didn't help.

'You're crazy: face it.'

'I'm not crazy. Something is wrong with the new home. I can feel it.' Fiona thought, trying to discourage the voices in her head from thinking she was crazy.

Yet, the voices wouldn't let up.

'Why didn't Steven notice the writing on the mirror when you showed him? Think about it. You know the reason. Want me to spell it out for you?


Fiona tried to push those thoughts away, but they clung to her like a spider weaving its web.

'Steven, you awake?' She asked, her voice a whisper in the darkness.

'No, I'm sleeping.'

'I saw something today. Something you have to know.'

'Not this again: can't it wait until tomorrow morning? I got work in a few hours.'

'I know you have, but I need to tell you what I saw.'

Steven knew he wouldn't be able to sleep, not until he asked Fiona what she had seen.

'If this has anything to do with the mirror, I told you before. I didn't see any writing.'

'It isn't that. It's what I saw before the writing.'

'What?' Steven asked.

Fiona didn't know where to begin, and silence spun in the bedroom for a few seconds. Steven grew impatient.

'God's sake, spit it out.  Will you? I'm tired.'

'Well, if you're tired, go back to sleep; no one's forcing you to stay awake.'

Steven leaned up, using his elbow to support his body.

'You've already woken me up. So, you might as well tell me; what's bugging you?'

'But that's the point. I don't know how to.'

'The beginning would be nice.'

'If only it were that simple.' Fiona said, staring up at the ceiling, her hand tucked underneath her head.

Because even she couldn't believe what she had seen in the kitchen, it had to be a waking dream, something like that.

At last, she told Steven.

'The doctor. What did he say when you went to see him?'

'He said I wasn't crazy if that's what you're getting at.'

'I never said you were.'

'No. But, you thought it?'

'Look.' Steven said. 'This shadow you saw was probably your imagination playing tricks on you. The same thing happened to me a few weeks back.'

'Something happened to you?'

'It's not worth mentioning. It happened late at night; I was tired.'


'I thought somebody had spoken my name.'

Again, silence loomed in the room, and Steven felt as though he had opened a can of worms.

'See, this is why I didn't tell you; I knew you get worried.'

'And do you blame me? I wish you had told me.'

'Well, I didn't because I knew you start worrying, and besides, it was probably nothing. Now, please, let's get some sleep.'

Fiona liked the sound of the idea. Yet, she couldn't help - but worry.

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