Chapter 27

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'Something wasn't right. I could feel it in my bones.' Fiona told me in regards to the night the old man drowned Harmony in the bathtub.

'As you know, I went upstairs to make sure everything was okay, and it was. Well, twenty minutes later, I felt something wasn't right. Harmony was too quiet. She wasn't singing.'

'What's wrong?' Steven asked me.

'Well, listen.'

Steven did. 'I don't hear anything.'

'That's what I mean; she's too quiet.'

And she was — so much so, I had to see again if she was okay. So I went back upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door.

There was no reply.

'Harmony, you okay?'

Still, no sound, nothing, and I thought maybe she had fallen asleep. That's when I got really worried.

'Harmony, this ain't funny. Open the door; otherwise, you're in big trouble.'

Steven, by this time, had come upstairs, asking me what was up.

'It's Harmony; she's not answering me?'

'Harmony, your mum's out here. She's worried. Is everything okay in there?'

Nothing, still no answer. Only me telling Steven I didn't like it one bit.

'I think she might have fallen asleep. Oh, God, Steven; says she's drowned.' I really did begin to worry.

'Harmony, you have three seconds to answer me; otherwise, I'm going to put the door in.'

It was an empty threat. Steven would never kick the bathroom door in, not if one of the girls was having a bath. But it didn't work.

'What's all the shouting for?'

It was Katrina. She had woken up and was standing behind me, rubbing her eyes.

'It's Harmony; she's in the bathroom; she's not answering.'

'Why she's not answering?'

'I don't know. Why are you asking stupid questions?' I shouted, not meaning to raise my voice, but my main concern was Harmony.

I knew something was wrong with her. And the last thing I needed was pointless questions. Children always have this knack for asking pointless questions when something's up.

And there was no choice.

'You're going to have to put the door in.'

Steven didn't want to, but he had to and hitting the bathroom door with his shoulder. We both saw Harmony heaved over the bathtub with her head in the water.

'Oh, my God!'

Steven rushed over and pulled Harmony away from the water, listening for any sounds as he laid her on the bathroom floor.

And that's when he looked at me with the worst expression I had ever seen in his eyes.

'She's not fucking breathing. Get an ambulance. Now!'


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