The Original Shadow

Start from the beginning

But I had no more time to think as Mr.Shu attacked again. This time, with one knife each in both hands. He made slashing moves too quick for me to block.

As another cut appear on my arm, I started thinking that maybe hand to hand combat is a bad move.

I should have stuck with swords.

(Dayu's POV)

More soldiers appear. This won't do at all. Me and the trainees will all die here if I don't do anything fast.

I need a distraction! Something that will scatter everyone so I can ran to the general's building.

"I need a distraction," I said to no one in particular.

"Just wait and it will come," Luau who is standing beside me answered.

I turn to look at him. I can only see his eyes peeking from the mask on his face. It crinkled at me as I felt the ground on
my feet trembling.

Something is running towards us. Hooves.


We all turn in the west direction. My eyes widen when I saw the horses from the base's stable, almost forty in number running at us while being chased by something or someone.

The soldiers started scattering. Luau winked at me as he and the other trainees started running in different directions as the horses come to us.

I recovered and run too. In the north direction. I fought against the some soldiers who are still intent on fighting me but the horses are also splitting in every direction, chasing after people who are running away from them.

I can't help but smile in amazement. Whoever taught of this kind of distraction is a genius. And it was done just in time when I needed it the most.

That was done. Next Uncle Shu.

(General Wang's POV)

Qing is losing. Master Shu had the skill to defeat a defense specialist like my son.

Master Shu is skilled, fast and the worst part, he doesn't hesitate. He will kill Qing if he will find an opening.

I will never allow my son to die. Qing is my legacy. I have to do something.

I turn to the soldier beside me and gave the instruction.

"I will give the signal, when I do it, help my son kill General Zong's killer," I ordered.

"Yes Master General," the soldier said.

I was stunned for a moment. Then I remembered. With General Zong dead, his position will be freed too. And as his second in command, it's clear that I will be the one to ascend to the Master General position after his fall.

Master General. I like the sound of that. And when I retire, the title could be passed to Qing who is an exceptional soldier too.

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