Chapter Twenty Six

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The next few days seemed to fly by, the whole group having a great time as they explored Paris. Well, almost the whole group could completely enjoy the fun. Hercules always had a constant worry, a constant sadness that loomed over him. And as Lafayette and himself got even closer as the time passed, the more he knew it would hurt when he had to leave. He was growing sadder and sadder knowing that this was the last day he and Laf had together before he'd have to say goodbye.

They were in bed, around nine p.m., Lafayette smiling, cuddled into Hercules.

Hercules looked down at him, feeling the same pang of sadness he always felt when he looked at him.

"Hercules?" Lafayette looked up at Herc, seeing his eyes pooled with tears. "Mon cher, what's wrong?" Hercules bit his lip, trying to stop himself from crying. He didn't like breaking down, especially not in front of people he loves. "Herc, baby, talk to me."

"I have to leave tomorrow," Lafayette's concerned look was replaced with a look of understanding. His ran his hand across Hercules' arm soothingly.

"I know, it'll be okay," Lafayette gave him a small smile, to which Hercules frowned.

"How can you be so calm about this Lafayette?!" Hercules asked, tears cascading down his cheeks. "Don't you care? I'm going away and you don't seem to care one bit."

Lafayette frowned, sitting up so that he could look Hercules in the eyes. "I have hope mon amour." He cupped Hercules' face with his hands, pressing a soft and gentle kiss on his lips, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. "Can you smile for me? Come on, let me see that beautiful smile! You don't need to cry."

Hercules gave Lafayette a small, uneasy smile. Though it didn't look entirely whole-hearted, Lafayette appreciated it. "Good. Now, I'm exhausted. Can we just go to bed, without any worries?"

"Okay Laf," Hercules nodded as Lafayette lied back down, resting his head on his chest. Hercules wrapped his arms around him, pulling him even closer. "Love you Laf."

"I love you too, Hercules."

A/N: Sorry these last chapters are so short!

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