Chapter Twelve

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"You two have invented a new kind of stupid," Angelica muttered as she and the other girls dragged the still drunken Hercules and Lafayette out of the bar, stomping in the direction of the hotel.

"We didn't even do anything Hamshmelica," Hercules attempted and horribly failed at pronouncing Angelica's name.

"You beat the shit out of Samuel, then proceeded to kick George in the shins. What are you, toddlers? Not to mention the whole bar started fighting because of you two," Angelica huffed.

"I knew I should've kept better track of your alcohol intake," Eliza muttered as she pulled Lafayette's arm, trying her hardest to keep the French fry under control.

"Angelina," Hercules whined as Angelica pulled him along.

"Hamshmelica" was almost closer to my name, Angelica though to herself, ignoring the constant tug of Hercules trying to free his arm. Angelica wasn't having it.

"Let go of me," Hercules' bottom lip stuck out in a pout. "Stop touching me, you're not my boyfriend." Angelica rolled her eyes, she could see the hotel from where they were, making her sigh in relief. She couldn't take much more of this.

"Yeah Angelina, he's my boyfriend, hands off," Lafayette found a way to get away from Eliza, who almost fell when Lafayette slightly pushed her to get away. He tackled Hercules, smashing their lips together. Peggy and Maria were desperately trying to separate the two once Lafayette had pulled Hercules' jacket off, now reaching for his shirt.

They eventually succeeded, Maria holding on to Lafayette as they approached the hotel. Peggy had Hercules in a headlock.

The girls pulled the two into the hotel, where none other that Thomas Jefferson was sitting in the lobby. Thomas however, didn't spare the group a glance. He was to busy petting James' hair, who was curled up, sleeping next to Thomas on the lobby couch.

"Look! It's Gaymes Madison," Hercules' loud voice boomed through the small room. Angelica internally facepalmed.

Now she'd have to deal with them trying to fight someone else.


Thomas' head shot up, he only gave them a glare.

"You're going to wake him up!" Thomas whisper-screamed from across the room.

"Fight me Jeffershit," Hercules laughed.

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Mulligan, you're obviously drunk, and I'm not waking my boyfriend up to fight you. Go away." Hercules was slightly disappointed that Thomas waved him off.

Angelica pushed the boys towards the elevator, profusely apologizing to the woman behind the desk, who seemed to find the whole situation quite amusing.

The company barely fit into the elevator, which was quiet small, but they managed.

When they heard the faint ding, signaling that the elevator had reached it's destination, the group spilled out of the small space into the hallway. Peggy and Maria headed to their room.

"Have fun dealing with them," Maria said, following Peggy through their door, shutting it after.

Hercules made his way to his own room, Lafayette quickly following after him.

"No no no, I don't think so," Eliza pulled Lafayette away from Hercules. "You two are drunk, we're not letting you do anything you might regret in the morning." Eliza pulled Angelica by the arm. "I'll take care of Laf, you got Herc covered?"

Angelica nodded and the sisters gave themselves one last look before parting, Angelica following Hercules into his room, Eliza into Lafayette's.

"Here," Eliza rushed into the bathroom, getting him a glass of water. She handed it to him, smiling as he took it without question. "You'll thank me in the morning."

Lafayette nodded, taking a drink of it before setting it on the nightstand. He lied down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Eliza noticed how his expression was suddenly very sad, tears pooling in his eyes, his mouth turned downward in a frown.

"Laf?" She asked softly, sitting on the spare bed. "What's the matter?" she didn't care that he was drunk, Eliza didn't like seeing anybody upset.

"I can't be with Hercules," Eliza was confused at first, then she had a moment of realization that struck her like a lightning bolt.

She shot up, rushing to Lafayette's side, pulling him close as tears started to roll down his face.

"Shh, it'll be alright," Eliza said, though she didn't know if it would.

There was no way Hercules and Lafayette could be together. It wouldn't be long until the group went back to America. They'd be an ocean away.

Eliza put her chin on the crying man's head, hoping it made him feel better in some way.

"Eliza, what am I going to do?"

A/N: I have a Hamilton Oneshot book up now, and I'm currently taking requests. So check that out maybe?

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