Chapter Eleven

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"Maybe you two should slow down," Angelica said after Hercules and Lafayette threw down another round of shots.

"Why? I'm twenty one, I don't need you to tell me what to do," Hercules' words were slurred. He was hammered, same goes for Lafayette, who had been keeping up with Hercules' pace. "It doesn't even matter."

"Maybe we should get them back to the hotel?" Maria asked, sipping her drink. Unlike Hercules and Lafayette, she knew when enough was enough.

"Uh, last time I checked madam Maria, you have a girlfriend," Maria and Peggy blinked at him, wondering what the hell his point was. "I mean, like, you have a girlfriend, so what's the point of a hotel?" Maria couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter. "What're you laughing at?"

"We should definitely get them back to the hotel," Maria said once she had caught her breath. "How'd they even get so drunk so fast?"

Angelica opened her mouth, ready to respond, before she was cut off.

"Oh hello, didn't expect to see you people here," Angelica froze as she heard the English-accented voice from behind her. She squeezed her eyes shut.

Great, now I have to deal with two drunken idiots and George. Lucky me, she though to herself. Preparing herself to face George.

"It's 'King' George," Hercules' laugh boomed through the bar as he charged towards the Brit, wrapping an arm tightly around his neck.

"Unhand me this instant," George clawed at Hercules' arm in some attempt at getting the large man off of him.

"Hey, get off of him," A voice shouted. It was Samuel Seabury, George's boyfriend.

"And why, would I do that?" Hercules turned around, his intoxicated voice slurring the vowels of his speech.

Hercules' eyes widened as a fist collided with his face. Lafayette sprung up, his reaction slightly delayed because he was so drunk. He punched Seabury in the jaw, knocking him to the floor.

Soon everyone in the bar was throwing punches.

It was pretty much a blur after that, but one thing was for sure.

Angelica was going to kick Hercules' and Lafayette's asses when she got them out of this mess.

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