Chapter Eight

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"John, we've been walking for an hour, what on earth does Alex have planned?" Hercules asked John, who was just as clueless as him.

"I have no idea," John looked down at his fidgeting hands. "Whatever it is, I hope it fixes things. Maybe we shouldn't have gone on this trip Herc. So far it's been completely awful," he looked up, a small smile lighting up his face. "Well not completely awful," He nudged Hercules, who wasn't even looking at John. John wiggled his eyebrows at Hercules when he finally had his attention. "You were staring at him."

"John, I was not staring at him," Hercules mumbled. "I was just... staring in his general direction.

"Oh please, you had your arm around him a few minutes ago, now you're staring at him. Herc, face it, you're in love with laffy taffy," John giggled. "Go over there."

Hercules rolled his eyes but walked back up to the front of the group, wrapping an arm around Lafayette's waist.

"Bonjour," He laughed as Hercules shivered from the word. Lafayette shot him a questioning look.

"Your accent startled me."

"Well I am French. What did you expect? Oh hey Hercules," Lafayette mimicked an American accent, making Hercules jump, removing his arm from where it was draped.

"Do not do that again. You sound terrifyingly similar to Jefferson."

"Jefferson?" Hercules remembered that that name meant absolutely nothing to Lafayette. "Who's that."

"A douchebag," Alexander yelled from the back of the group.

"I see."

"There it is!" Alex shouted, racing towards Hercules and Lafayette. Ahead of them was a forest-like area. The path they were walking inked into the woods. "Follow me."

The whole group was questioning what the help was going on, but they followed nevertheless.

As the path made a sharp turn John's breath caught in his throat.

"Alex..." Alexander had led them to a pond. A stunning area that made every single person stop in their tracks.

It was a turtle pond.

"Alex!" John squealed, walking close to the water. "Oh my gosh look at them. They're so beautiful!"

"I thought you'd like it," Alexander said softly, walking towards John, who was beside himself from his surroundings. "I just hope it somehow makes up for how much of a dick I've been." John slowly turned towards Alexander, his face suddenly blank. It was terrifying, no one knew what John was going to do next. Alexander had the quaint though of "He's going to hit me again isn't he?". Eliza thought John might just scream at the top of his lungs.

Both were wrong however as John tackled Alexander in a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around him. He buried his face in Alexander's chest.

"I missed you," he mumbled, barely audible from how muffled his voice was.

"I've missed you too John," Alexander wrapped his own arms around John. "So much."

"Well if it isn't the power couple, back together again. How sweet."

Everyone turned to see who the familiar voice was.

It was the smug piece of velvet.

Thomas Jefferson.

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