"What now Edward?"I asked him.

"I was supposed to kill Chloe like I did to the rest of the girls I was told to but I didnt. I hate to admit it, she's breathtaking, really hot... If only..."He started and I cut him not willing to hear what he wanted to do with my love. Yes there was no way I was gonna call Chloe my ex girlfriend, I d rather die seriously.

"Don't you dare go near her. Kill me but leave her out of this"I told him and he places his hands up

"Let me finish, why should you have the best everything, you have the best family, the best friends, the best girlfriend, you were given education and I have fucking nothing, I was dragged into mess. So lets get back to Chloe, I was  supposed to kill her, I was going to but like you I saw how beautiful she was and effortlessly she made me hard. I normally dont let my victims off the hook but if you want us to be family again, here s the thing"Edward said and I sighed. Where was the catch that involved Chloe? I assumed and I was right.

"What Edward? How else do you want to ruin my life?"I asked him and he laughed.

"I come with you if you promise me that you wont try to get her back, if you wont tell her or her friends about me, later if your paths cross, you two will never get back together no matter what. Chloe is mine or she dies. Deal?"He said and I started fighting throwing punches at him in anger. How could he do that?

I let her go because I coulnt keep her safe, there would always be  the insecurity that she will get hurt anytime or even worst if she was with me. A girl like her deserved such more than someone like me, she was too good for me. She didnt deserve anything that happened because of me, because of Edward. I had to let her go even if it meant I had to bond with my nemesis of a brother. Anyway, he couldnt help any of this, he brought up by the Devil, he just needed someone to change him and I will do that. No matter what it takes. As long as Chloe was safe.

"Deal, we have a flight to Cheshire tomorrow night with Gemma. But stay the fuck away from Chloe. You ve ruined her enough, let her live her life, let her be happy, at least from now, lets be brothers yeah"I said trying to be nice and he nodded

"See that wasnt so hard. I wont touch her as long as you keep your distance from her, or else, I will be the one to deflower her whether willingly or not willingly"He said and I sighed  controlling my dirty mouth from blasting at him.

"Just shut up and pack your things, get yourself your own room. We re leaving tomorrow night. Get out"I said and he finally left. I took it as a chance to talk to Gemma about all this. Did she know about Edward?

"Hello?"Gemma answered.

"I need you to answer me honestly"I told her

"Oookay, what is it?"She asked me in a confused tone.

"Am I your only little brother?"I asked her and I heard her huh loudly.

"What the hell? Of course you are my little brother Harry! Jeez are you drunk?"Gemma exclaimed. She was lying to me?

"Don't lie to me, you know its not true. You knew mom was pregnant of twins, two boys"I shouted and she gasped and shouted back.

The Virgin [Book 2] [ h.s ] #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now