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"Freddy is gone?" Bonnie pushed himself unconsciously closer to Foxy. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm sorry sir but I assure you I'm not." The man sighed. "I was sent to stay near you at all times. I'm special agent Jeremy Fitzgerald. Mr. Fazbear was deemed extremely dangerous."

"You don't think I know that?" Bonnie scoffed, showing the scars covering his neck and torso. Jeremy stepped back a bit, shocked.

"Well, this is all new information." Jeremy shook his head until his hair was covering his eyes. He took off his hat. "I was also inform that you have a disorder..."

"I'll take care of that." Foxy answered him. "I've been - what's the word, um I'll just say helping - with Nightmare Bonnie and keeping him contained in a single room since it started."

"Don't you get hurt?" Jeremy asked. He looked up, being closer to Bonnie's height then Foxy's.

Foxy lifted his chin to show the bruises then trace the cut across his face. "Yes. But it isn't anything can't handle. I grew up in an abusive home."

"Hey, um, Jeremy? Do you know when I'll be allowed to go back to school? Foxy and I have missed a lot since Freddy locked me in the basement." Bonnie asked.

"Oh! Yeah I was told to tell you that you can go back anytime you want. But I'll be joining you undercover. We already worked it out with the principal and such. And due to the new people information about you and Nightmare Bonnie? Right?" Jeremy looked at them sideways.

"Yeah. My brother named him." Bonnie explained.

"Yes. Anyways. I'll see to it that Foxy's schedule gets changed so that he can have the same classes as you for in case you have an episode." Jeremy nodded. "And I was to ask you, are you fine with having the case aired on the news?"

"I'm fine with it." Bonnie shrugged. "Just don't tell anyone I'm going back to school because Freddy might see it. He's the one that stopped me from attending school in the first place."

Foxy unconsciously placed his arm across Bonnie's shoulders in a protective gesture. He sighed. "I don't have Home Economics. Bonnie does."

"Well, because you have to stay with him, I might be able to get you a pass on your one class for the year so you can join him." Jeremy sighed. He looked at his watch. "I have to go tell my boss what you just told me. You may go home with a police escort. I'll see you at your home in about and hour or so." And he left.


"You know, I never really asked you what you meant when you yelled 'Quit playing with me already'" Bonnie sighed as they got out of Vincent's car.

"Oh, um," Foxy rubbed his neck. He closed his eye for a second before opening it again. "Don't hate me for this." And he grabbed Bonnie's collar before pressing his lips to the smaller boy's, not expecting a reaction. He was shocked in the entirety when Bonnie wrapped his arms around his neck to pull him closer. Finally they pulled back and Bonnie pushed his face against Foxy's chest blushing. ((Thank gods. That was getting frustrating. And Foxy kissing Bonnie when he was angry didn't count. It was mainly to confuse him into silence.))

"You do love me." Bonnie murmured against Foxy's chest. Then he started laughing. "Thank you. But I'm sorry. No. I can't."

"For what?" Foxy looked down as Bonnie pulled his face from the older boy's chest. "And what do you mean no? No what?"

"Thank you for saving me. But I can fall for you. I'm sorry but I can't go through that again." Tears started in Bonnie's eyes. "Freddy was so nice when we started out. And now look. I can't take chances." He sighed, the tears beginning to fall as he ran into the house and into one of the guestrooms. ((I seriously hate myself.))


Sorry its short! I honestly hate myself rn because of what I just made Bonnie say. Damnit.

fonnie(highschool AU) {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora