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"Bonnie!" I heard my boyfriend slur. Oh great. He's drunk. I want to hide. He beats me when he's drunk. "Bonnie!" I ran into the room he was in. "Co-" hic "Come here." He didn't let me take two steps before he screamed at me. "COME HERE BITCH!" And he grabbed me by the hair before yanking me upstairs.

"No. No no no." I whimpered from the pain, making him turn around and slap me.

"Did I tell you you could talk?" He spit in my face. I shook my head no. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder before storming into our room and tossing me onto the bed. Then he climbed on top of me and, he, raped me.


I woke up with my ass hurting and tears dried to my face. I crawled out of my boyfriend's arms and limped downstairs to start breakfast. Why? Why did he do that? I thought as I started the eggs and sausage. What did I do wrong? I winced in pain as I got my things around for school. I was just going to have to deal with the bullies, like everyday.

"Good morning Freddy." I sighed when he came down rubbing his eyes.  I served him breakfast and pulled my backpack on. "I'm off to school."

"You better be back as so as it ends, slut." Freddy grumbled.

"Yes Freddy." I lowered my head and limped out the door.

I've been living with Freddy for about a year since his parents kicked him out. I went with because he was originally my foster brother. He's now nineteen and I'm sixteen but I'm graduating school early. He started out nice. Soft kisses and warm nights just lounging and watching movies. Then he got drunk the first time and it escalated from there. I can't leave because I have no where to go. So I deal.

fonnie(highschool AU) {Completed}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن