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Bonnie didn't leave his post in front of Foxy's door no matter what. Vincent, Scott and Bonbon all three tried to get the sixteen year old to move but neither one of them had any luck. So they gave up and handed Bonnie both his and Foxy's food at meal times knowing that the purplette would give the other boy the food when he could.

Ding dong!

Bonbon got up from his place on the couch to answer the door. He gasped when he did. "Shadow?" ((Shadow hadn't visited or anything.))

"Hey Bonbon. How's Bonnie holding up?" Shadow hugged his brother.

"He won't leave Foxy's door. He's been there for about a week now. And Foxy won't leave his room either, he doesn't want to." Bonbon explained as Vincent entered the room.

"Bonbon, who's this?" The man asked, his purple eyes flashing warningly.

"This is me and Bonnie's older brother Shadow." Bonbon explained. Shadow nodded, beginning to pick at the zippers on his jacket again.

"I came to check on Bonnie." Shadow said and lowered his gaze. Unlike his brothers, he hadn't gotten the best homes and moved around a lot.

"I guess you can, maybe you can convince him to leave Foxy's door." Vincent shrugged and turned to lead the black haired boy to Foxy's room. "He hasn't left the place in front of Foxy's door since Foxy played the piano last week and he had heard." Vincent explained. Bonnie looked up at the sound of voices.

"Shadow?" He squeaked. He looked down. "I'm sorry for everything I said after you and Foxy found me. Especially to you."

Shadow almost choked on his own saliva. "Y-You're apologizing?"

"Yeah. If I had just called the cops on Freddy in the first place none of this would've ever happened. This is all my fault." Bonnie curled up. Shadow gaped. This wasn't the Bonnie he and Foxy had found.

"Bonnie, none of this is your fault. You were just scared." Shadow moved forward and wrapped his arms around the purple pajamaed ball. ((He hasn't changed in a week. Yuck.)) "Although, if you were to say you needed a shower, I wouldn't argue. You stink. How long have you been sitting here?"

"Six and a half days." Bonnie mumbled. "I've been waiting for Foxy to come out and speak to me. I want to apologize."

"Bonnie?" Foxy opened his door a crack, having been listening from the other side.

"Foxy I'm so sorry." Bonnie looked at his friend sadly. "I'm sorry you got dragged into this. Into my hellhole life."

"Bonnie." Foxy opened his door the rest of the way and scooped the boy into his arms. "I should be the one apologizing. I forced myself into your life. And then just now I shut you out. I'm sorry. And for the other week too a little after we found you. I was - I'm gonna go with angry." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Foxy." Bonnie groaned. He had been trying to avoid that particular memory. He suddenly stopped. "But why did you?"

"Bonnie you are totally oblivious." Shadow laughed.


"So Freddy's been evicted?" Bonnie sighed and kicked a rock. He shoved his hands in his pockets and tried to block the chill November wind out.

"Yeah." Foxy replied, his hands behind his head as he stared at the clouds. "Me, Mangle and Chica have to testify against him since we're your friends and you weren't exactly in your right mindspace when he was evicted. Are you up for testifying?"

"Not really." Bonnie mumbled, his cheeks were red from the relentless wind. He shivered.

"Cold?" Foxy glanced at him, already taking off his jacket. Before Bonnie could protest, he had slipped the warm trench coat over Bonnie's slim shoulders. Bonnie sniffed, it smelled faintly of Foxy's cologne.

"Thanks but won't you get cold?" Bonnie looked up at him.

"Nah. I don't get cold to easy. My dad used to trap me in our freezer if I messed something up." Foxy shrugged. "Plus you're underweight. So you're going to get cold easier then me anyway."

"Sorry." Bonnie mumbled.

"Will you stop apologizing? None of this was your fault Bons. None." Foxy groaned. He ran his palm over his face. "You aren't at that place anymore. You sure as hell aren't going to be blamed for everything at Uncle Vincent's."

"Sor- oops." Bonnie shut his mouth knowing that if he opened it he was just going to apologize again.

Foxy laughed. "I'm about to start calling you Sorry since you say it so damn much." Bonnie smiled. The first smile he's had since the day Foxy came over to Freddy's house weeks upon weeks ago. "Wow."

"Wow what?" Bonnie raised an eyebrow.

"You smiled. I thought that after all that had happened you'll never smile again. Don't get me wrong. I love your smile and all. I-I mean I like it. Its not like I love it. Because that would mean I love you which would be really weird and I'm going to shut up now." Foxy pursed his lips, his face beet red and not from the cold.

Bonnie laughed and stopped Foxy before pulling his face down closer to his. Foxy turned an even brighter shade of red. Brighter then his own hair if possible. Bonnie was close enough that if he just moved forward a fraction of an inch...

"Don't love me eh?" Bonnie smirked, stepping away and leaving a flustered Foxy. The purplette jogged off. It took Foxy a moment to get his bearing again.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU TEASE!" Foxy yelled, running to catch up with Bonnie.


That would be a good spot to end it on but the story is far from over. Until next time snowflakes!

fonnie(highschool AU) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now