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The last bell rang and students shot from their desks left and right. They raced out the door all except for Bonnie, who didn't want to go home. It was a Friday. Which meant the whole weekend trapped in Freddy's house with no help, no contact with his friends and the constant worry of getting beat. But he had to get home quickly. He had to finish his homework, wash away the makeup and get dinner started all before the brunette returned to the house. Hopefully not drunk.

Putting his necessities for his homework into his backpack, the purplette slung the bag over his shoulder before starting down the hall at a brisk pace. "Bonnie! Bonnie!" Foxy's voice echoed down the hall as he ran towards the younger boy. He was waving around a pack of skittles and a milky way bar. "Hey, since you missed lunch I figured I'd buy you something from the vending machines. I didn't know what you liked so I just got what I liked. And skittles. Everybody loves skittles, right?" He handed the candy to a shocked Bonnie.

Bonnie smirked. "Not everybody likes skittles Foxy. Chee doesn't but I will admit, they are really good. And I haven't had a milky way in two years. Thanks."

Foxy beamed. "Awesome! Hey do you want to come over?"

"I just met you today and I can't even if I want to. Which I actually do, don't get me wrong, because of Freddy." Bonnie sighed and opened the milky way bar before biting into it. "Mm. I really missed these."

"Well maybe I could come o-" Foxy started.

"No!" Bonnie yelped, gaining a few stares. He lowered his voice. "I don't want a repeat of what happened when Mang and Chee came over last year. Sorry. Bye. Thanks for the candy." Bonnie hurried off, leaving Foxy to wonder after him.


Foxy laid in his bed, wondering what was going to happen to Bonnie this weekend. His foster brother ran in.

"Bonbon. I thought I told you to knock!" Foxy groaned, rolling off the bed and looking at the blue haired boy.

"Is it true? Is it really true?" Bonbon bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Is what true?" Foxy furrowed his brow.

"Mangle just called. He said not to be to worried about a boy named Bonnie. Is it really who I think it is?" Bonbon looked up at Foxy with wide eyes. "Is it Bonnie Walker?"

"Well yeah." Foxy scratched his head. Then his younger foster brother squealed and ran to hug Foxy tightly. "The hell!"

"He's my actual older brother! Before this family adopted me!" Bonbon explained, the thirteen year old boy beginning to dance around the room happily. Foxy's jaw went slack.

"Wait, you're Bonnie's younger brother?" Foxy sputtered.

"Well yeah." Bonbon stopped his dancing to give Foxy a 'duh' face. "I wonder what happed to Shadow?" He mumbled honestly.

"Wait a second, who's Shadow?" Foxy asked.

"Our older brother. Well me and Bonnie's. He's probably around seventeen by now." Bonbon explained.

Foxy then ushered Bonbon out of his room and closed the door before flopping down on his bed. Bonnie has an older brother and a younger one? And his younger one is my foster brother. Maybe I can learn more about Bonnie through Bonbon? Would the at be okay? Or would that be an invasion of privacy?


Bonnie stirred the soup when an unwanted person entered his mind. Foxy was being really nice to him having just met him that day. He heard the front door open and close. "Welcome home Freddy!" He called with false happiness. He felt two arms snake around his waist and a chin position itself on top of his head.

"What you making babe?" Freddy asked, loosening his tie.

"Shiitake mushroom soup with lemon zest and garlic bread." Bonnie answered him, moving backwards a little to check the oven and pull out the perfectly baked garlic bread. Freddy grinned at the smell and stole one of the slices, Pippin it into his mouth and munching on it.

"Mm. What would I do without you to cook for me?" He asked, kissing Bonnie lightly.

"You wouldn't steal the food before supper's completely ready." Bonnie teased, hoping to keep Freddy in a good mood all weekend. He liked Freddy when he was in a good mood because it reminded him of when they first started out. He hit him lightly on the nose with the wooden spoon. "But in all honesty, you'd probably eat take out all the time."

"That's the truth. Did you finish your homework?" Freddy asked, sitting down and propping his sneakered feet on the table. Bonnie mumbled something that Freddy missed. "What?"

"I said, please take your feet off the table. That's unsanitary. And gross." Bonnie repeated himself. ((Autocorrect rewrote that as repeed. I'm not even sure that's a word.)) "Supper's ready anyway." He sighed as he spooned the soup into one bowl for Freddy. None for himself. "Here." He said, handing Freddy the bowl, two pieces of garlic bread, a spoon and a glass of soda. He took the last piece of garlic bread for himself.

As he munched on the garlic bread, Bonnie couldn't help but see why he had fallen for Freddy in the first place. He watched as the muscles of the brunette's back rippled. Bonnie's always been small. He is only four eleven. In another words, short. While Freddy, like most males, towered over him at six foot. He smiled at Freddy when he looked up, catching the kind flames burning in the older male's bright blue eyes. That's another reason. Freddy was so kind and loving to him in the beginning. And the reasons stopped there. They didn't have a thing in common and Freddy loved to drink.

"Go clean the bedroom from last night." Freddy said around mouthfuls of soup and bread. He didn't apologize for it. He wasn't going to. He didn't care. "And make sure the mattress isn't stained from your blood." He knew what he did. He also knew that Bonnie was too cowardly to call the cops.

"Yes." Bonnie mumbled.

"Yes what?" Freddy demanded.

Yes bitch. "Y-Yes sir." Bonnie nodded and scurried upstairs to the bedroom and got to work, tears already beginning to fall as he missed his past life, and his brothers. Where ever they were.

fonnie(highschool AU) {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora