21.she's not blind anymore

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Aidan's pov

There were some moments in life were you felt like you wanted time to stop.. Never pass just stay in the moment.

It's not necessary because you love the current Moment but because you're just scared of what to come .

I've had alot of those.

Like the time when Mason almost drowned in a lack when we were eleven.

Or when the car accident happened and April was in the emergency room.

Or when my Mom was having Ayla.

And now. Where April is setting on the hospital bed waiting anxiously for the operation while her family has yet to come.
" they told me they are gonna be here an hour ago! " she said frustration seeping in her voice. Anyone passing by could detect that she was afraid. Which is saying something since April rarely show what she truly feels.

And I had to admit, her emotions was seeping through me.

" maybe they overslept or is delayed by traffic " Mason tried to assure her.

" the surgery is in twenty minutes, mas" she was suspiciously close to tears by now.

" just stop worrying yourself, April, please. Even if they didn't make it, you have us, ok " I pleaded wishing that this morning would have gone differently.

I hated seeing her like this. Especially in This circumstance.

She nodded weakly as a small tear rolled down her cheek." I am just really nervous. It's ridiculous " she mumbled softly.

I couldn't take it anymore, I hugged her.

" it's not, April. It's perfectly normal ok? "

She hugged me tighter.

Mason looked at us smiling sadly as he tried dialing her parents once again but to no avail..

And the twenty minutes passed like this, hugging April while trying to comfort her and dialing her parents.

" are you ready, Mrs.Hemmings " the nurse that came through the door said.

April squeezed my hands and nodded " yeah, ok "

And just like that she was making her way to the operation room with just me and mason around.

And the few hours that followed were kind of a blur.

Her family finally coming after half an hour of setting in the waiting room.

Her mother crying for not being able to see her.

Her dad comforting her mother.

Me, Liam and Mason setting together with no words uttered, each lost in his own mind.

Until it all came into focus again.

And the doctor was standing infront of us.

" the surgery thankfully went well, without any complications. And she'll be able to be awake in the next 24 hours." was his answer to Mr. Hemming's anxious question.

The room was filled with relief sighs and 'thank god'

" well, can we see her? " her mother asked.

" yes, but family only. And for a short period of time "

Fuck family only. It's a stupid rule invented by a stupid person who didn't know that family meant much more than sharing the last name.

So we just stupidly made our way to our home feeling for the first time in weeks like something has been left off our shoulders.

April is not blind anymore.


Nine long and torturous hours later I was already grabbing the car keys as I made my way outside.

I barely got any sleep last night. And even though April's eyes gonna be wrapped up in a bandage once I go visit her, the thought that she's not blind anymore keep repeating itself inside my head as if once I'm there she's gonna recognize me even if I did knock on her door.

It's just weird. Pleasant, blissful but weird.

Like April is not blind anymore.

She's not blind anymore.

" Aidan " came the tiny sleepy voice of my sister.

I turned to face her as I waited for her to rub her eyes and yawn. " yes, sleepyhead "

" you gonna visit April? " she asked innocently.

" yes, that's were I'm headed, wanna tag along? " I asked actually wanting some company because I was a nervous wreck and I don't even know why.

" that would be awesome, but your Mom said to leave you go alone and we'll visit her together this afternoon " she said pouting a little.

I chuckled finding it weird that she said your Mom. " well, I'll see you there then, A " I said smiling slightly.

" ok, tell April I said hey and that your Mom was the reason I did not tag along " she said quietly

I nodded saying " okay " with a smile.

" oh and tell her that she can now rub it in your dad's face that she's no longer 'the blind'" she said deepening her voice while saying the blind to imitate dad.

I laughed loudly. God I adore this girl.

" I will, A. And by the way, any particular reason why you're saying your Mom and your dad? " I finally asked her.

She shrugged nonchalantly " I heard April telling Liam that. And April is cool, so this must be cool. Now go see her. " she said yawning loudly and she didn't even wait for me to respond as she made her way to her room once again with a Final wave.

Damn.. This girl..


" Aidan! " April exclaimed once I entered her room. I didn't knock on purpose so she would know it's me.

" April! " I exclaimed back chuckling a bit as I made my way to the bed and hugged her.

" Aidan I can see! " she said excitedly.

I eyed the bandage around her eyes raising an eyebrow "you can? "

"well, I'm seeing black right now but at least I'm seeing something " she said grinning widely.

" so you didn't see black when you were blind? " I asked holding back a chuckle as she looked at me with a blank expression.

" Aidan. "

" April "

" stop being a spoil sports you idiot! " she said hitting me with a below.

I laughed ruffling her hair. " sorry, Aps. You're just a very good teasing material " I said moving closer.

She fought a smile, failing terribly as her lips twitched violently. " teasing material? "

" uh-huh " I nodded with a big stupid smile on my face. " like you are so tease-ish "

this time she did laugh. " tease-ish? "

" uh-huh " I said picking her lips softly.

" damn, I can't believe I'll be able to see you, again in a week"

I can't believe that either, so surreal.

I straighten up " well, since you brought it up I have to warn you about something " I said, my voice serious.

she frowned " about what? "

I cleared my throat " since the last time you saw me.. " I trailed off for a while, she just sat there silently so I continued " I've grown so ridiculously handsome so this just a heads up " I said laughing loudly.

And this is how I got hit again by the hospital bed's below.

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