It's That Time Of Month

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter is S-H17. Still sick right now and I'm so stressed out about school.

There's a ton of exams and homeworks. And there's already a fUCKING PARTY---... I don't like crowds of people.


Sunlight began to creep up to your close eyes making you groan in annoyance.

You turned to your side and heard a tweet.

You opened your eye's and saw a bird. It flew away when it realize you were awake.

You rubbed your eyes and realized you were still on the roof.

" Huh. Well, now. " You said.

You grabbed your portal gun and turedly shot it near you. Yawning.

You crawled your way through the portal which was leading you to your bedroom.

You went to get a new shirt and some pants.

Going in the shower and did your business.

Stepping out you were already in your clothes and you glided to your bed which had 2 of your dirty lab coats.

You sighed and picked up one of them. Getting your wrist watch and inputed a code and typing: lab coat.

Making it clean as ever.

You did that aswell to your other lab coat and put on the lab coat ,you were holding, on.

You put on your wrist watch as well and got your portal gun inside your lab coat and cell phone inside one of the pockets of your lab coat.

' Alright. Gonna leave right before dinner starts. ' You thought as you left your room.

You went out of your room and went to the kitchen.

You saw that nobody was up yet.

' Dang.. I'm fucking starving. The joys of not knowing how to cook, amirite? ' You mentally said to yourself.

You grabbed yourself a mug and started to make some coffee.

You drank it and then refilled.

" Coffee. I love you so much more than BH- " You said but was interrupted by someone clearing his throat.

You turned around quickly and when you noticed the hat. That's when shit goes down.

" I mean- I HATE YOU. " You exclaimed as you smash the coffee in to bits cause of panic.

Black Hat stared at you as you looked at the broken mug.

You fixed it by using your wrist watch.

Black Hat walked towards you and said, " You love coffee more than me, huh? " Jealousy in his voice.

You started to sweat. " C-come on, you can literally tell that I was just joking around. I like to talk to myself like that when I'm alone. " You said a little bit too quickly.

Black Hat didn't buy it and said, " Oh yeah?.. "

" Hey, it's true! " You said trying so hard to convince him.

It took a while for him to respond. And his mere response was just a chuckle.

You grunted at him as you furried your eyebrows.

" Whatever. Just make me food already. " You said as you playfully pushed him near the stove and gave him a spatula.

" Alrighty then, my princess~ " He said and began to cook.

Villainous - Black Hat x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant